
Is there a handling fee for changing a train ticket? 12306 responds to →

author:Guangzhou Yuexiu released
{"info":{"title":{"content":"火车票改签要收手续费?12306回应→","en":"Is there a handling fee for changing a train ticket? 12306 responds to →"},"description":{"content":"近日,有乘客在社交平台上反映在12306平台上改签车票时发现需要扣除相应的改签手续费相关话题冲上热搜↓↓↓在大众以往的印...","en":"Recently, some passengers reported on social platforms that when changing tickets on the 12306 platform, they found that they needed to deduct the corresponding change fees, and related topics rushed to the hot search↓↓↓ In the past printing of Volkswagen..."}},"items":[]}