
Recommend several temple stone carvings Maitreya Buddha, more than 20 years of stone carving experience

author:Kai Rock Industry
{"info":{"title":{"content":"推荐几款寺庙石雕弥勒佛,二十几年的石雕经验","en":"Recommend several temple stone carvings Maitreya Buddha, more than 20 years of stone carving experience"},"description":{"content":"石雕弥勒佛,又被称为未来佛,是佛教中一位非常重要的菩萨。他的形象慈眉善目,笑容可掬,大肚融融,给人的感觉比较和善。无论是...","en":"The stone Maitreya Buddha, also known as the Buddha of the Future, is a very important bodhisattva in Buddhism. His image is kind-eyed, smiling, and pot-bellied, giving people a relatively kind feeling. Whether it's..."}},"items":[]}