
In an administrative case, the parties are far away and do not have to travel between the two places......

author:The capital of Heian

The online all-in-one machine for quick handling of administrative cases makes administrative case handling more efficient, especially saving the time for collecting evidence and making records, but in the case handling, there will also be situations where the parties or witnesses cannot come to the public security organs for special reasons, and the Yuquan District Public Security Bureau uses Internet technology to launch a set of remote evidence collection system in the sub-bureau, which has broken the barriers between the police and the parties in space.

In an administrative case, the parties are far away and do not have to travel between the two places......
In an administrative case, the parties are far away and do not have to travel between the two places......

We are the police of the Yuquan District Public Security Bureau of Hohhot City, and now we are interrogating you in accordance with the law, you should truthfully answer our inquiries and assist in the investigation, please show your identity documents, please keep a certain distance from your mobile phone, and make sure that you are in the video screen, are you clear? Here I ask if you know the audio and video recording of the whole process.

This is the police of the Yuquan District Public Security Bureau who are collecting evidence from witnesses in a criminal case in the remote evidence collection room of the sub-bureau, and the person being questioned is far away in Hangzhou City at this time.

He Tianbao, Supervision and Legal Brigade of Yuquan District Public Security Bureau: We need to make a record of him for further investigation and verification of evidence, but this person could not come at that time, so we used a remote non-contact forensics system to interrogate him remotely and extract some evidence submitted by him.

In an administrative case, the parties are far away and do not have to travel between the two places......
In an administrative case, the parties are far away and do not have to travel between the two places......

In the past, people like this could only wait for the parties to come to the public security organs, or the police to go to other places to collect evidence, which was time-consuming and laborious, but now with remote evidence collection, the use of the Internet has eliminated the spatial barrier. And it's also very easy to operate.

He Tianbao, Supervision and Legal Brigade of the Yuquan District Public Security Bureau: The person being questioned used his own mobile phone, and he used his WeChat mini-program on the Internet mobile phone, opened the visual communication applet, and through our encrypted digital connection, he could realize a normal visual call.

The use of remote video forensics system, with the help of the "Internet +" forensics method, does not need to be present at the scene, eliminates long-distance travel, and quickly and efficiently helps law enforcement officers complete the investigation and evidence collection of the case. It not only solves the problems of large financial and material investment in evidence collection in other places, but also facilitates the masses, so that the masses can feel the temperature of the law and the efficiency and convenience of handling affairs.