
Scientific food and nutrition to help health

author:Browse the horizon

——Jiangsu Hai'an High-tech Zone Longzheng Kindergarten 5.20 Chinese Student Nutrition Day publicity

May 12-18, 2024 is the 10th National Nutrition Week in mainland China. May 20, 2024 is the 35th "5.20" Chinese Student Nutrition Day in mainland China. The theme of this year's event is: Milk Beans Add Nutrition, Less Oil is Healthier. In order to help children establish a healthy diet awareness from an early age, cultivate their good eating habits, improve their immunity, and popularize children's nutrition and health knowledge, the "5.20 Chinese Student Nutrition Day" was taken as an opportunity to carry out a series of activities of National Nutrition Week with the theme of "Scientific Food and Nutrition, Helping Health".

Scientific food and nutrition to help health

First, leadership deployment, emphasis on nutrition

Gao Fengmei, the director of the kindergarten, organized a special meeting of all teachers to hold a special meeting of the nutrition publicity week, and asked all the teachers and staff to attach great importance to the nutrition and health level of children, and do a good job in the publicity and education of the nutrition week.

Scientific food and nutrition to help health

2. Theme education to promote nutrition

According to the characteristics of the children's age, the teachers of each class organize the children to watch the video of the nutrition publicity week, and carry out scientific and reasonable diet publicity and education, so that everyone can realize the importance of nutritious diet and develop good eating habits from an early age. Eat more nutritious foods such as milk and beans in your daily life. Only by having regular meals, eating scientifically, not being picky, and not picky eaters can we grow up better and healthily.

Scientific food and nutrition to help health

Third, the theme of publicity, know nutrition

The kindergarten uses various forms such as WeChat platform, class groups, and speeches under the national flag to promote nutrition and health knowledge to parents and children, guide children to develop healthy eating habits, and improve parents' awareness of healthy eating. The kindergarten releases the new week's nutritious recipes in a timely manner through the WeChat public account every week, so that parents can understand their children's diet in the kindergarten and work together for the healthy growth of their children.

Scientific food and nutrition to help health

Fourth, special lectures, understand nutrition

Jia Mingyun, a health teacher, conveyed the knowledge of this year's Nutrition Awareness Week and cooking skills to all teachers and staff in daily meeting activities, helping everyone to understand the importance of nutrition and health more comprehensively and fully understand the impact of diet on health. Through multi-channel learning and training, everyone has a deeper understanding of the knowledge of healthy diet and nutritional balance.

Through the development of this activity, not only the children have established health awareness from an early age, but also made all teachers and parents have a deeper understanding of nutrition knowledge. I believe that with the joint efforts of parents and kindergartens, children will be able to grow up healthily and meet a better future. (Longzheng Kindergarten, Hai'an High-tech Zone, Jiangsu)

Editor in charge: Wang Wei