
The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the wrist of a strong man"! Next week, May 18, the trend of the A-share market may be a foregone conclusion

author:Lao Zhu's financial vision

Punch hard!

Since the new village chief took office, the action against various violations in the market has been significantly strengthened!

The matter of China Nuclear Titanium Dioxide's restricted stocks, which had previously caused heated discussions in the market, has finally come to an end!

The village fined and confiscated a total of 235 million yuan to the parties who violated the regulations on the restricted sale of shares of China Nuclear Titanium Dioxide, including the securities firms CITIC CSI, CITIC Securities and Haitong Securities;

It is worth mentioning that the village recently released the law enforcement "report card" for 2023, which has effectively cracked down on various chaos in the market and safeguarded the interests of the majority of investors in the market!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the wrist of a strong man"! Next week, May 18, the trend of the A-share market may be a foregone conclusion

The data shows that in the past year, the village handed over as many as 42 illegal listed companies, during which 717 cases of securities and futures violations were investigated and handled, and the amount of fines and confiscations was as high as 6.389 billion yuan!

For example, Zeda Yisheng and Amethystum Storage, fraudulently issued and listed, were attacked by the village, and the two companies and the responsible persons were fined 142 million yuan and 90.71 million yuan by the village respectively!

Not only was it forced to be delisted, but more importantly, the relevant investors received more than 1.3 billion yuan in civil compensation, which sounded the alarm for other listed companies!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the wrist of a strong man"! Next week, May 18, the trend of the A-share market may be a foregone conclusion

In addition, the village also strictly controls the entrance of listed companies, and rejects those companies that want to break through with illness, which improves the quality of listed companies to a certain extent;

As the old saying goes, only when the house is cleaned can the guests be better entertained, and the market will come out of a decent rebound!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the wrist of a strong man"! Next week, May 18, the trend of the A-share market may be a foregone conclusion

Index Movements:

Driven by real estate stocks, the three major A-share indexes rebounded in the yang line, and the intraday indices all rose by more than 1%.

At present, the index has stabilized significantly, if nothing else, the index will continue to strengthen next week, and after stepping back on the 5-week K to stabilize, it is very likely to attack the 250-week K-line next week!

However, it should be noted that if the index does attack the 250-week moving average next week, then there are still two aspects to pay attention to

On the one hand, the cooperation of the trading volume, the trading volume must at least return to the trillion above, if the continuous immeasurable weak rebound should be noted!

The continued immeasurable weak rebound is likely to rise again and fall back to adjust!

On the other hand, if the weight of the first half of next week drives the market to 3200 points, it is necessary to pay attention to the switch of style;

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the wrist of a strong man"! Next week, May 18, the trend of the A-share market may be a foregone conclusion

It is very likely to get out of the weight of the stage, the trend of theme singing, the previously stagflated science and technology, new energy may appear in the second half of the week!

Therefore, it is still necessary to pay attention to the rhythm of style switching when the index crosses next week.

Judging from the current market trend, the probability of the market trying to regain 3,200 points next week is relatively large!

On the whole, the upward trend of index volatility remains unchanged!