
The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the arm of a strong man"! On May 18th, the three major news in the early hours of this morning were officially released

author:Lao Zhu's financial vision

Punch hard!

Recently, the village released the law enforcement "report card" for 2023, judging from the report card data: during the period, 717 cases of securities and futures violations were investigated, and the amount of fines and confiscations was as high as 6.389 billion yuan!

In the past year, the market has significantly strengthened its actions against various violations, especially illegal reductions, market manipulation, insider trading, financial fraud, fraudulent issuance, etc.!

Take financial fraud as an example, there were three companies with state-owned assets that were ST in the village because of financial fraud, these three companies are Special Information, Strait Innovation, and Huijin Shares;

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the arm of a strong man"! On May 18th, the three major news in the early hours of this morning were officially released

There is also the illegal reduction of holdings that the market has been criticizing before, just take the nuclear titanium dioxide, which was hotly discussed in the market before, and was attacked by the village!

At the beginning of the year, the actual controller of CNNC titanium dioxide conspired with CITIC CSI, CITIC Securities, and Haitong Securities to use securities lending and derivatives tools to reduce their holdings, and fined a total of 235 million yuan, which also sounded the alarm for other companies!

In terms of manipulating stock prices, Jintuo Co., Ltd., Senyuan Electric, Newamstar and other companies were fined 660 million yuan, 610 million yuan, and 95.67 million yuan respectively by the village!

The two companies were fined 142 million yuan and 90.71 million yuan respectively by the village, and more importantly, the relevant investors also received more than 1.3 billion yuan in civil compensation!

In addition, the new village chief recently said: "zombie enterprises", black sheep resolutely clear out of the market, in my opinion, only by cleaning the house, the market can get out of the real slow bull market!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the arm of a strong man"! On May 18th, the three major news in the early hours of this morning were officially released

Important after-hours news:

1. Peripheral market: The three major U.S. stock indexes opened repeatedly and fluctuated, among them, Tesla's share price rose by more than 2%, stimulated by the central bank's real estate measures, Chinese concept stocks rose by more than 280%, and game stations fell by more than 20%;

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the arm of a strong man"! On May 18th, the three major news in the early hours of this morning were officially released

2. The tourism direction ushered in a good situation, on the news side, the village said to speed up the construction of a tourism power, and the tourism direction that has been adjusted before will be strong again?

3. Real estate direction: On the news side, the central bank will set up a 300 billion affordable housing reloan, and the recent real estate direction is a lot better, and it is expected to continue to ferment next week!

The China Securities Regulatory Commission is determined to "break the arm of a strong man"! On May 18th, the three major news in the early hours of this morning were officially released

Index Movements:

This week, the three major A-share indexes first fell and then rose, out of the trend of bottoming out!

Among them, the weight protection was not effective on Monday, and the three major indexes collectively fell below the 10-day line!

However, on Friday, stimulated by the good news about real estate, funds began to enter the market, and the three major A-share indexes closed out of the mid-yang line, which has erased the mid-week decline.

From a technical point of view, this week's market made up for the gap at the weekly level below in the middle of the week, eliminating the technical hidden dangers that must be filled by the gap!

Moreover, this week, the market just stepped back to 3121 points, which is near the 5-week moving average, indicating that the technical support of the 5-week moving average is effective.

After this week's pullback adjustment, the deviation rate of the 5-week moving average has been repaired and kept up, and the 5-week moving average will turn upward to 3140 points next week, forming support for the index!

The fly in the ointment is that the volume has shrunk slightly this week, but it is not a big problem!

However, due to the fact that this week's market is a false positive candle pattern, it actually ends up falling slightly, and the shrinkage and decline belong to a healthy volume-price relationship!

Next week, the index will continue to rise to 3160 points, which requires the cooperation of quantity and energy