
Visionox unveiled a number of AMOLED mid-size low-power technologies and innovative applications at SID

Visionox unveiled a number of AMOLED mid-size low-power technologies and innovative applications at SID

From May 12th to 17th local time, SID International Display Week (SID DW 2024) was held in the United States. Visionox participated in the exhibition as a leading AMOLED panel manufacturer in China, and released a number of "global leading" innovative technologies, not only in the field of small-size AMOLED, continuous upgrading of low-power, folding, screen integration and other innovative technologies, but also in the field of medium and large size released a variety of low-power innovative technologies and innovative applications of different backplane technologies, reserve innovative technologies in advance, adapt to more application scenarios, to meet the display needs of a larger market in the future.

Green and low-carbon Released a variety of AMOLED medium-size and low-power technologies

For the medium-sized field, Visionox pays attention to the low power consumption and display effect of its products, and brings five new technologies to the SID, including medium-size broadband LTPS technology, intelligent partition multi-frequency technology, AMOLED all-oxide medium-size solution, AMOLED curved floating display solution and intelligent Hybrid flat panel display solution.

Visionox released the mid-size broadband LTPS technology for the first time overseas, which has the advantages of ultra-wideband, low power consumption and strong performance, and supports the broadband drive of medium-sized AMOLED screens in the ultra-wide range of 20Hz-640Hz+. Through the unique design of the drive circuit and the supporting GIP circuit, the refresh rate can reach up to 640+Hz, breaking the highest record of various display technologies, and at the same time, it brings a low Flicker value of -80dB, and the display effect is smoother; Based on the innovation of LTPS backplane technology, it still maintains a flicker-free display effect in 20Hz low-brush, low-grayscale, and low-brightness scenes. The effect of low power consumption is obvious, which can reduce the power consumption of the IC by 21.5% (Visionox laboratory calculation data). This technology does not require the transformation and upgrading of existing production lines, does not sacrifice production line capacity, and is a medium-sized and economical low-power solution for AMOLED. This is a breakthrough in technology and application after Visionox pioneered the low-frequency LTPS low-power solution for small size.

LTPO power consumption reduction has reached the "high-level" stage. Visionox released the world's leading intelligent partition multi-frequency technology, ultra-flexible, more power-saving, the first to upgrade at the hardware level, through the innovative design of the screen body, to achieve "row" as the smallest unit of arbitrary partitioning, in the horizontal partition to achieve flexible settings of the number of partitions, position and size, so as to achieve the new function of "multiple refresh rates for different partitions of the same screen". This technology is equipped on smartphone terminals, which can adapt each partition to different refresh rates according to the differences in local display needs, so as to achieve more accurate adaptation of display content and refresh rate, and reduce IC power consumption by up to 20% (Note: Calculated data under the second partition), especially for medium-sized applications such as folding mobile phones, tablets, and laptops, the power consumption is more significant. The intelligent zoning multi-frequency technology brings LTPO into the adaptive refresh stage with "line" as the unit, which is another practice of Visionox to adhere to innovation-driven development and accelerate green and low-carbon transformation.

In the field of backsheet technology, in addition to LTPO, Visionox has also made new breakthroughs in oxide backplane technology. Oxide technology can effectively reduce leakage current, improve the stability and reliability of display screens, and has the advantages of simple manufacturing process and large size, and has broad industrial application prospects. Visionox's AMOLED all-oxide medium-size solution adopts innovative oxide pixel circuit and driver circuit design scheme, and the backplane process adopts all-oxide process to reduce the impact of ELA process and improve the production efficiency of medium- and large-size displays. In terms of high image quality, it supports 1-180Hz broadband drive, and there is no flicker at low frequency, which has better brightness uniformity; In terms of application scope, the oxide technology route can cover small, medium and large-size applications to meet the dual needs of high-quality improvement and energy reduction of future products.

Visionox also showcased the AMOLED curved floating display solution, which uses AMOLED as the light source to achieve higher contrast and wider color gamut, and more delicate image quality. The curved screen can realize the R700 flexible three-dimensional picture, and expand the display area with innovative curved display effect; Lighter and more portable, it reduces the internal space and opens up more possibilities for optical path design. It can realize air touch, bringing an interactive experience that goes beyond vision. The solution is suitable for many consumer scenarios such as home, office, vehicle, and shopping malls, and can meet the dual needs of users for AMOLED and floating display with excellent performance.

In terms of full-scale AMOLED technology reserves, Visionox demonstrated the results of the G6 small-scale mass production line based on ViP technology (intelligent pixelation technology) to accelerate the mass production of AMOLED technology without FMM. This technology breaks through many bottlenecks in the performance, cost, and size of the FMM AMOLED process, and significantly improves the lifespan, brightness, and image quality of AMOLED displays, which will accelerate the application of AMOLED in the full-size market.

Innovative applications such as scroll screens and transparent displays expand medium-sized AMOLED scenarios

With the advent of the AI terminal era, the display advantages of AMOLED screens such as flexibility, thinness, low power consumption and high image quality are more popular, and the penetration rate will continue to increase, and will accelerate from the original small and medium-sized fields to small, medium and large full-size fields, especially medium-sized AMOLED may achieve inflection point growth this year.

In this exhibition, Visionox brought a 14.2-inch flexible AMOLED sliding vehicle central control solution, which is the Hongqi ultra-luxury executive sedan that recently shined at the Beijing Auto Show - "Hongqi Guoya" with the same "national style flexible scroll screen", which is the world's first commercial on-board sliding curl AMOLED screen, with a screen thickness of only 0.80mm and more than 200,000 times of sliding and curling.

In recent years, the world's leading car brands have accelerated the installation of AMOLED screens. According to a report by Trendforce, the global automotive display panel market will maintain a rapid growth trend, with shipments expected to exceed 240 million units in 2026, of which OLED panels are expected to account for 8.9%.

At the same time, AMOLED will also begin to accelerate its application in the field of flat panel and IT display. On May 7, Apple officially launched its first new iPad Pro with an OLED panel. Industry experts predict that the application of OLED panels in iPad Pro may lead the new trend of using OLED screens in the tablet market in 2024. TrendForce expects global AMOLED tablet shipments to be around 9 million units in 2024, accounting for about 7% of the overall tablet market.

In addition to in-vehicle, Visionox has also brought innovative applications in the field of smart home and office in SID. Visionox showcased the world's first integrated intelligent environment fusion solution, equipped with a 14.2-inch flexible AMOLED display that can be raised from the storage mechanism when in use, equipped with a smart skin with a screen display transmittance of 50%, which can be "transformed" into a keyboard to achieve office functions, and the product as a whole realizes the combination of curly laptop and smart home.

Visionox's AMOLED transparent all-in-one solution, equipped with a 12.6-inch flexible display, achieves high resolution and increases the screen transmittance to 60% through transparent AMOLED display technology, so that the screen can be intelligently integrated with the environment, and can be used anywhere in home life, neither blocking the line of sight nor affecting the display effect.

As AMOLED attacks on medium-sized applications, medium-sized will further accelerate the arrival of the era of Internet of Everything. Visionox said that in the future, it will not only continue to make efforts in medium-size technology innovation and application innovation, but also continue to work with customers to launch more market-competitive medium-size solutions to bring consumers more pleasant visual enjoyment.