
Your state of mind is your best Feng Shui

author:Zi-Ink Literature
Your state of mind is your best Feng Shui

Author: Zimo

When we recognize the truth of life, we still love life, when I am still quiet, leaning on the depths of time, enjoying the scenery outside the window, in order to laugh at life.

Another beautiful encounter, a beautiful May, after a lot of hardships, after years of precipitation, after walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, let yourself feel a thousand things, maybe today's you, is no longer the teenager you once was.

Perhaps, the years will change our faces, but as long as there is poetry in our hearts and distant places, the vicissitudes of time, our mood is still not old.

In fact, we are running around and working hard for the beauty of the moment, as long as we have hope and a normal heart, we can enjoy the beauty of life.

In ordinary days, if you want to give a good moment, then you must accept the reality and appreciate the unique scenery of life in tranquility.

Or, drink a cup of fragrant tea, put your heart at ease, feel the ten thousand customs of the season with your heart, cultivate fences and plant chrysanthemums in your heart, wash your soul in silence, and purify your soul.

To put it bluntly, you must have the ability to calm down, feel happiness, be loyal to your inner choice, do not care, and know how to choose and filter.

Your state of mind is your best Feng Shui
"The pain of life comes from living too clearly. The eyes are aesthetic, but the result is entangled in ugliness, and in the end they are all judged ugly; The heart is a collection of happiness, but as a result, it is trapped in calculations, and in the end it is full of pain. It's not about how much life you have, but how much you have to know about yourself. The ability to be happy is actually the ability to make trade-offs and the ability to filter. ”

In life, don't live too clearly, don't be demanding, don't fight or grab, you will be relaxed; Don't panic in case of trouble, be calm and indifferent, don't climb or compare, go with the flow, and you will have a smooth journey.

If you are quiet in your heart and don't ask for too much, you will be calm all your life, let yourself go from simple to complex, and enrich yourself in your experience.

As the years go by, when we learn to go from complex to simple, we are already middle-aged, and we know how to make ourselves happy in the second half of our lives.

Only by seeing through the complexity of the impermanence of the world can you have the ability to live, choose simple, is a realm, people are simple and happy, happy and happy, I have to say, your mentality is your best feng shui.

Only without fear of age can we live out of ourselves, if the heart is young, the years are not old, if the heart is warm, the world is beautiful, the beauty of life is not afraid of age, live out of yourself.

People live to have a good mentality, so that they will have less troubles, and they must make themselves happy and happy every day, and live a calm and calm, most true self.

People must have quality in life, live interestingly, time will be kind to you, live happily, and good luck will be close to you.

Your state of mind is your best Feng Shui

Life is to live for happiness and happiness, even if there are some misses and regrets, so what, life is like this, it is a bloom that leaves no room for nothing.

A person who loves life sees the world with a sunny mood and treats the people around him with an understanding attitude.

As long as people live, they must accept and understand everything, their hearts are big, things are small, they know how to let go of everything, they must be enthusiastic enough about life, and they must know how to be happy, so that they can have a happy life.

The abundance of the heart will make people go to a higher realm, silence and quietness, joy and indifference, it is a great realization after going through the world.

In the story of life, there is never a designed plot, and there are no same chapters in the repeated seasons.

Life is a journey of self-improvement and cultivation, from birth, we are constantly experiencing and maturing, and we are also pursuing perfection, and the beautiful scenery of our life is to accept the defects and maintain a good attitude.

So, love life with a normal heart and make every day the best day in life.

If you know how to cherish, then the old is only the age, the not old is the mentality, forget the age, be the best yourself, the years become old, the heart is always young, this is the best feng shui in our life.

Your state of mind is your best Feng Shui