
Ganzhou: "Gathering Kindness and Happiness" holds up the dream of "rebirth" of the disabled

author:Ganzhou Online
{"info":{"title":{"content":"甘州:“集善乐业”托起残障人士“重生”梦","en":"Ganzhou: \"Gathering Kindness and Happiness\" holds up the dream of \"rebirth\" of the disabled"},"description":{"content":"文\/陈薇图\/中共甘州区委宣传部供图“您好,申通,请问有什么可以帮您?”“我们马上联系网点,让快递员跟您取得联系您看可以吗...","en":"Text\/Chen Weitu\/Photo courtesy of the Propaganda Department of the Ganzhou District Committee of the Communist Party of China \"Hello, Shentong, how can I help you?\" \"We'll contact the outlet right away and let the courier get in touch with you, can you see if it's okay..."}},"items":[]}