
What level is the Nuggets losing by 45 points? The 3+58 tragedy is unshakable before entering the top of history!

author:Serious sports club
{"info":{"title":{"content":"掘金狂输45分什么水平?未进历史前3+58惨案不可撼动!","en":"What level is the Nuggets losing by 45 points? The 3+58 tragedy is unshakable before entering the top of history!"},"description":{"content":"在这场赢球晋级输球抢七的西部半决赛G6中,掘金队吃到了一场震古烁今的惨败!70-115,不管掘金队能否赢下抢七大战,今天...","en":"In this Western Conference semifinals G6 that won and advanced to the loss and tie-break, the Nuggets suffered a fiasco that shook the past and the present! 70-115, regardless of whether the Nuggets can win the tiebreaker, today..."}},"items":[]}