
4-1,2-0! Manchester City is too strong, 8 consecutive wins + 21 rounds unbeaten, the final game of the Premier League, win = 4 consecutive championships

{"info":{"title":{"content":"4-1,2-0!曼城太强,8连胜+21轮不败,英超收官战,赢球=4连冠","en":"4-1,2-0! Manchester City is too strong, 8 consecutive wins + 21 rounds unbeaten, the final game of the Premier League, win = 4 consecutive championships"},"description":{"content":"4-1,2-0!曼城太强,8连胜+21轮不败,英超收官战,赢球=4连冠半山聊球2024-05-1806:38发布于福建2...","en":"4-1,2-0! Manchester City is too strong, 8 consecutive wins + 21 rounds of undefeated, Premier League finale, win = 4 consecutive championships in the middle of the mountain chat2024-05-1806:38Posted in Fujian 2..."}},"items":[]}