
The discount on the online platform is "greasy", and the "crossed price" of the same roast duck is doubled!

author:China Consumer Daily
{"info":{"title":{"content":"线上平台折扣有“猫腻”,同款烤鸭“划线价”竟相差一倍!","en":"The discount on the online platform is \"greasy\", and the \"crossed price\" of the same roast duck is doubled!"},"description":{"content":"近年来很多商家推出的低价折扣、随买随退的团购优惠券这些券的折扣幅度和优惠力度是真实的吗?近日上海市消费者权益保护委员会测...","en":"In recent years, many merchants have launched low-price discounts and buy-and-return group purchase coupons, are the discount ranges and discounts of these coupons real? Recently, the Shanghai Municipal Consumer Rights Protection Commission tested..."}},"items":[]}