
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

author:Jinju release
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

On May 17, Wang Zengzhan, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, Feng Cungai, Chen Guoxing, and Wang Guanghui, deputy directors, led some members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress and representatives of the Municipal People's Congress to inspect the city's urban renewal work. Vice Mayor Yuan Yingjie and relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development accompanied the inspection.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

The inspection team successively went to the National Fitness Center, Heping Street Convenience Market, Municipal People's Hospital Smart Three-dimensional Parking Lot and other project sites to check, and at the subsequent symposium, the inspection team listened to the report of the relevant person in charge of the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on the city's urban renewal work. The participants put forward their opinions and suggestions based on the inspection situation.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

Wang Zengzhan affirmed the work of the municipal government, the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and other relevant departments. He pointed out that it is necessary to highlight the guidance of planning and continuously optimize the layout of urban production, living and ecological space; It is necessary to promote the high-quality development of green buildings and further improve the quality of production and life of the masses; It is necessary to strengthen the empowerment of science and technology, and use intelligent means to provide convenient, fast and efficient public services for the general public.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

Wang Zengzhan emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered concept and pay close attention to the work of urban renewal with a strong sense of responsibility and mission; It is necessary to listen to the opinions of the masses and make urban development more in line with the expectations of the masses; It is necessary to widely publicize and mobilize, vigorously publicize the relevant policies of urban renewal, and form a strong atmosphere of unity, participation and joint construction in the city.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

Wang Zengzhan demanded that organizational leadership should be strengthened, a working mechanism of horizontal communication and coordination, vertical guidance and supervision should be established, and the efficient implementation of work measures should be promoted; It is necessary to strengthen overall planning and coordination, and the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau should take the lead in the general and close cooperation with relevant departments to ensure the smooth progress of all work of urban renewal; It is necessary to seize the current golden period of construction, speed up construction, and ensure the smooth completion of 58 urban renewal projects on schedule. Feng Cungai and Wang Guanghui, deputy directors of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, gave their views on urban renewal work. Vice Mayor Yuan Yingjie said that the municipal government will carefully sort out the opinions and suggestions put forward by the representatives, organize all relevant departments to carefully study, and implement them one by one, so as to ensure that the urban renewal work is carried out solidly and efficiently, and create a livable, resilient and intelligent urban environment for the masses.

The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work

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The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work
The Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress inspected the city's urban renewal work


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