
Don't laugh, who doesn't have a "conspicuous bag"?!

author:The Golden Bank of the Great River
{"info":{"title":{"content":"别笑,谁家还没个“显眼包”?!","en":"Don't laugh, who doesn't have a \"conspicuous bag\"?!"},"description":{"content":"Z5.18是国际博物馆日,度过这一天的最好方式,自然是走进博物馆。原以为打开博物馆的正确方式是观赏藏品,了解背后的历史故...","en":"Z5.18 is International Museum Day, and the best way to spend this day is naturally to walk into a museum. I thought the right way to open a museum was to look at the collection and learn about the history behind it."}},"items":[]}