
One cadre in Pingbian County was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation

author:Yunnan Honghe release
{"info":{"title":{"content":"屏边县1名干部接受纪律审查和监察调查","en":"One cadre in Pingbian County was subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation"},"description":{"content":"据屏边县纪委监委消息:屏边县农业农村和科学技术局四级调研员(屏边县农业农村和科学技术局原党组书记、局长)万玉东涉嫌严重违...","en":"According to the Pingbian County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Pingbian County Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Science and Technology Bureau Fourth-level researcher (Pingbian County Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Science and Technology Bureau, former Party Secretary and Director) Wan Yudong is suspected of serious violations..."}},"items":[]}