
Shocking theft in 12 seconds! Brother hacker god operation swept 25 million cryptocurrencies

author:Life in Tuao

In a recently announced case by the U.S. Department of Justice, a pair of brothers in their twenties were indicted for allegedly orchestrating and stealing $25 million from the cryptocurrency market in 12 seconds, highlighting the hidden complexities and potential risks in the digital asset space.

Shocking theft in 12 seconds! Brother hacker god operation swept 25 million cryptocurrencies

According to British media on May 17, 24-year-old Anton Peral-Bueno from Boston and 28-year-old James Peral-Bueno from New York were arrested in their cities on Monday and faced multiple charges of conspiracy to commit telecommunications fraud, telecommunications fraud and conspiracy to launder money.

Shocking theft in 12 seconds! Brother hacker god operation swept 25 million cryptocurrencies

Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said: "The plan for this charge is novel and there has been no similar case before. ”

The brothers will be heard Wednesday afternoon before Judge Paul Levinson of the District Court of Massachusetts and Judge Valerie Figueiredo of the Southern District Court of New York. If convicted, they could each face up to 20 years in prison for each count.

Attorney General Lisa Monaco noted that the Peral-Bueno brothers "used their expertise and education to tamper with and manipulate the protocol that millions of Ethereum users around the world rely on, after months of careful planning." And when their plan came to fruition, the entire theft process took only 12 seconds to complete. ”

According to the Justice Department, both brothers graduated from the world's top universities with degrees in computer science and mathematics, and an online link suggests that one of them is affiliated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Shocking theft in 12 seconds! Brother hacker god operation swept 25 million cryptocurrencies

They used their expertise to study victims' transactions and take multiple measures to conceal identities and launder the proceeds, including setting up shell companies, using multiple private cryptocurrency addresses, and foreign cryptocurrency exchanges to conceal the true flow of funds.

The indictment also seeks the confiscation of JPMorgan Chase Bank and Choice bank accounts and other personal property in the names of the two men. The government alleges that the two men carried out a series of financial transactions designed to not only conceal their identities but also obscure the true ownership of the stolen funds.

However, investigators found that the duo's digital search records matched their crimes, including access to lawyer information and U.S. extradition policy, which became a key clue to their actions.

From the academic elite to those suspected of financial crimes

The case of the Peral-Bueno brothers reflects the essence of a technological double-edged sword. Their achievements in academia, which could have pushed the boundaries of innovation, have been chosen to use them illegally.

Shocking theft in 12 seconds! Brother hacker god operation swept 25 million cryptocurrencies

This modern-day version of cybercrime, which has transferred huge sums of money in a fraction of the time, reveals how technocrats in the digital realm are using a deep understanding of the inner workings of systems and a subtle grasp of human behavior patterns to challenge blockchains that are seen as impenetrable defences of blockchain.

Despite their attempts to erase all traces, it was these digital footprints that ultimately led to its exposure. Through these clues, the investigators reconstructed the whole picture of the incident, not only directly linking them to the crime, but also revealing their afterthought and fear, which is undoubtedly a satire of their so-called "perfect crime" plan.

Ultimately, what the Peral-Bueno brothers do could be a turning point, forcing the industry to confront its vulnerabilities and sparking a new wave of cybersecurity innovation within the blockchain ecosystem.