
Finally relieved, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and his attitude towards China was not simple, and the United States began to act

author:Phoenix Satellite TV Jin Liang

Singapore's political scene has changed, the pro-China prime minister has taken over Lee Hsien Loong, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry has stated that the US plot is bankrupt?

On May 15, Singapore's former Finance Minister Lawrence Wong "took over" former Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and was sworn in as the fourth prime minister at the Presidential Palace, and Singapore's political situation changed for the first time in 20 years. Singapore's geographical location is very special, the country is located at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, its land area is only about 720 square kilometers, only one-tenth of Shanghai, and the population is only more than 5 million, but the country is located in the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, holding the Strait of Malacca, the "golden waterway", known as the "crossroads" of the East. For China, the Strait of Malacca is the main route for transporting about 80% of China's oil imports and is the throat of the mainland's energy security, so Singapore's position on China is crucial.

Finally relieved, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and his attitude towards China was not simple, and the United States began to act

During the Lee Hsien Loong period, Singapore pursued a foreign policy of not "taking sides" and maintained certain ties with both China and the United States. After being elected prime minister, Lawrence Wong made clear three major positions on China-related issues. First, Singapore will not choose sides between China and the United States, but will prioritize its national interests. Second, on the Taiwan issue, Lawrence Wong stressed that Singapore has long adhered to the one-China policy, opposes "Taiwan independence," and will never allow itself to be used by "Taiwan independence" firms. Third, on China-US relations, Lawrence Wong hopes that China-US relations will remain stable, saying that the US policy of "small courtyards and high walls" against China is harmful and may bring harm to the world, and he resolutely cannot let Singapore fall into a geopolitical whirlpool. The Chinese side congratulated Lawrence Wong on his inauguration on the 16th, expressing confidence that he can lead Singapore to achieve new achievements.

Finally relieved, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and his attitude towards China was not simple, and the United States began to act

On the one hand, Singapore, as a small country in the region and occupies strategic positions such as the Strait of Malacca, has always been the target of great powers, while Wong's choice to maintain neutrality between China and the United States is very sensible compared to the practices of Japan, the Philippines and other countries, which not only maintains strategic autonomy, but also avoids being targeted by major powers. On the other hand, Huang Xuncai keenly smelled the signal of the increasing game between China and the United States, and stressed that even if the differences between China and the United States were inevitable, he would not give up contacts with the two countries, and found a "way out" for Singapore in advance. For China, this position is reassuring and in line with China's foreign strategy of mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

Finally relieved, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and his attitude towards China was not simple, and the United States began to act

As far as the United States is concerned, Lawrence Wong's coming to power is not necessarily a good thing, and it is in the best interests of the United States to support a pro-American regime, and the United States has begun to take action recently. According to relevant media, China and the United States have reached a consensus that the defense ministers of the two countries will hold a meeting in Singapore in May, when US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin will rush to Singapore, and it is unknown whether they will put pressure on the Huang Xuncai administration during this period. In addition, since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Singapore in 1990, Singapore has reached a number of economic and trade cooperation, as an important hub of the "Maritime Silk Road", Singapore, under the leadership of Lawrence Wong, is likely to be deeply involved in China's "Belt and Road" initiative and achieve higher development achievements.

Finally relieved, Singapore's new prime minister came to power, and his attitude towards China was not simple, and the United States began to act

National interests are the starting point of foreign strategy, and Lawrence Wong sees this very clearly, and this is also the root cause of Singapore's long-standing and rapid development, and if the United States wants to force Singapore to "choose sides" by improper means, it will only force Singapore to further "look eastward." Lawrence Wong's advice to the US side should listen to its heart and avoid becoming a loner and being abandoned by the whole world.

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