
Tragic 7 seconds! All 24 cloudburst bombs fell, and 35 Ukrainian soldiers were scorched on their positions

author:Peak Military Watch
{"info":{"title":{"content":"惨烈的7秒钟!24枚云爆弹全部落下,35名乌军士兵被烧焦在阵地上","en":"Tragic 7 seconds! All 24 cloudburst bombs fell, and 35 Ukrainian soldiers were scorched on their positions"},"description":{"content":"哈尔科夫战役打响72小时后,两个方向发起进攻的俄军地面部队就会师了。现在俄军的主要攻击方向为库皮扬斯克北部的利普奇和西北...","en":"72 hours after the start of the Battle of Kharkov, the Russian ground forces that launched an offensive in both directions will be in division. Now the main direction of attack of the Russian army is Lipchi and the north-west, north of Kupyansk..."}},"items":[]}