
Putin was smiling, China and Russia had a comprehensive talk this time, and in less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States

author:Wang Taofeng

During the talks between China and Russia, Putin was full of smiles, and this time the talks were very comprehensive. In less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States. In response, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made three "don'ts" clear its position. What did China and Russia talk about during Putin's visit to China? At the critical moment, what noises came out of the United States?

A few days ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin began a two-day visit to China. After the special plane arrived in Beijing, Putin was warmly welcomed by the Chinese side. In the morning of the same day, China and Russia held talks. Photos leaked from social media platforms show Putin and the Chinese side shaking hands cordially before the start of the talks. And after the talks, the two sides signed a joint statement, and Putin was even more smiling. This may show that the Sino-Russian talks were not only very comprehensive, but also achieved remarkable results.

Putin was smiling, China and Russia had a comprehensive talk this time, and in less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States

In the joint statement, China and Russia agreed to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination between the two countries for a new era, and made it clear that both countries will regard each other as "priority partners." The two sides are willing to "firmly support" each other on issues of core interests such as sovereignty, security and development, and carry out high-level and high-quality mutually beneficial cooperation in a wider range of fields within the existing framework.

It is believed that at the important moment of the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia, more cooperation projects between the two countries will be implemented one after another, injecting new vitality into the economic and trade development of the two countries, and at the same time creating a more positive atmosphere for promoting bilateral relations.

Putin was smiling, China and Russia had a comprehensive talk this time, and in less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States

In addition, the joint statement also stressed that hegemonism and power politics are running counter to the trend of multipolarization in the world amid the accelerated evolution of the world's great changes. In order to jointly address this global challenge, China and Russia will work together to build a community with a shared future for mankind and make positive contributions to promoting international fairness and justice. The statement also explicitly opposes interference in the internal affairs of other countries, unilateral sanctions and "long-arm jurisdiction". It is widely believed that although these statements do not explicitly mention the United States, the direction is already very obvious.

This statement means that China and Russia will join hands to oppose the hegemony of the United States and the West, and work together to uphold world fairness and justice. It can be expected that if the United States and the West still cling to the Cold War mentality and insist on suppressing and encircling China and Russia, China and Russia will further strengthen cooperation shoulder to shoulder and back to safeguard the interests of the two countries, and at the same time seek more voice for all developing countries.

Putin was smiling, China and Russia had a comprehensive talk this time, and in less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States

Putin's visit to China has shown the international community the inseparable and indestructible friendship between China and Russia, and has also set an example for the international community of a new type of major-country relations characterized by peaceful coexistence and mutual benefit. Maintaining and deepening relations between China and Russia is not only in the fundamental interests of the two countries, but also in the interests of the whole world.

Less than 24 hours after Putin's visit to China yielded important results, there was a murmur from the United States. The U.S. State Department declared that if China wants to establish "good relations" with countries and regions, including Europe, it cannot "support Russia" because Russia is "the greatest threat to European security." The implication is that China wants to take sides between Russia and the West.

In response, China responded immediately. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on May 17 that the logic of the US side is a continuation of the Cold War mentality, and it is this Cold War mentality that makes it difficult for the United States to shirk its responsibility for the outbreak and escalation of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. This statement directly exposed the fact that the United States is behind the conflict between Russia and Ukraine to the international community.

Putin was smiling, China and Russia had a comprehensive talk this time, and in less than 24 hours, there was a murmur from the United States

Wang Wenbin also pointed out that China is not the creator and party to the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and China has always played a constructive role in promoting Russia-Ukraine peace talks with an objective and fair position, which has been widely recognized by the international community. In addition, Wang Wenbin issued a warning to the United States with three "don'ts" and made clear China's position, namely, "don't throw the blame at China", "don't try to wedge the gap between China and Europe", and "don't continue to add fuel to the fire". He advised the United States that if the truth resolves the Russia-Ukraine crisis, it should "do something practical."

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