
Hot hot hot!

author:Xinjiang Fire Fighting

Hot hot hot!

Xinjiang's little friends

Did you feel the heat this year?

Too! Early! Hoo!

It's not

The heat warning is here again

Yellow warning signal for high temperature

Hot hot hot!

The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Meteorological Observatory issued a yellow warning signal for high temperature at 12:06 on May 16, 2024: It is expected that from tomorrow during the day to the 20th, there will be high temperature weather above 35 °C in most parts of southern and eastern Xinjiang, and the maximum temperature in some areas will reach more than 37 °C, and some areas of Turpan City, southern Hami City, and southern Bazhou will reach more than 40 °C on the 19th and 20th. Please pay attention to heatstroke prevention and fire safety, and strengthen the prevention of local snowmelt floods in mountainous areas.

Summer is here

Temperatures are rising

The weather is unpredictable

Electricity and gas consumption have increased dramatically

Some details of production and life

If you are not careful, it is easy to cause a fire


A fire broke out on the 16th floor, and the electrical wiring caused trouble

In May 2023, a fire broke out on the 16th floor of a residential building in a residential area in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province.

After investigation, the main fire location was in the living room, the fire substance was sofas and other household items, and the cause of the fire was caused by the failure of the electrical wiring, but fortunately there were no casualties.

Hot hot hot!

Spontaneous combustion in the car, perfume caused trouble

On June 29, 2022, in an open-air parking lot in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the owner of a fuel vehicle placed a car perfume ornament on the center console.

Hot hot hot!

The garbage fermented, and the kitchen burst into flames

In June 2020, in Changshu, Jiangsu, a resident's kitchen burst into flames.

After investigation, the cause of the deflagration was that the policeman Shen Laobo usually poured kitchen waste into the sewer, accumulating more and more garbage over time, and the garbage accumulated in the sewer fermented to produce methane gas, with the increase in summer temperature, methane gas expanded and permeated the entire sewer, and when cooking and ignition, methane gas encountered an open flame and deflagrated.

Hot hot hot!
Hot hot hot!

High temperatures in summer

Air conditioners, fans and other electrical equipment

The frequency of use has increased dramatically

In case of short circuit in electrical lines,

Overloaded electrical appliances,

Overdue use of electrical appliances,

Water ingress into electrical appliances can easily cause fires

Please be careful when using

1. The vents of electrical appliances should be kept unobstructed to ensure that electrical appliances can dissipate heat well. At the same time, refrigerators and other electrical appliances should not be plugged and unplugged frequently, once the power protection device fails, it is easy to burn out the refrigerator.

2. Pay attention to the inspection and maintenance of electrical appliances, and replace them in time if they find that the insulation parts are damaged and the power cord is aging. Be sure to cut off the power and unplug the appliance when not in use.

3. When cleaning electrical appliances, it is best not to use a damp rag. If an electrical appliance catches fire, do not pour it with water, turn off the electrical appliance first, and then use a fire extinguisher to extinguish the fire or wrap it tightly with a quilt to extinguish the fire.

The car is under the scorching sun for a long time

It is easy to become a "big oven" in seconds

This also makes the usual seemingly ordinary items in the car

"Transfiguration" becomes a safety hazard

Please pay attention to driving

1. In the hot weather in summer, the driver should do a good job of vehicle inspection before driving.

2. Do not place lighters, perfumes and other items in the car, the car should be equipped with a fire extinguisher, and master the use of fire extinguishers.


Pay more attention too

Nowcasting, early warning information

Do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling down

Try to avoid going out during hot periods

Prevent heat stroke and heat stroke

To prevent heat stroke, do these things

1. Be prepared for sun protection and heatstroke

1. Keep it cool

Choose lightweight, light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing, stay cool indoors, and stay in an air-conditioned or cool place if possible.

2. Arrange outdoor activities reasonably

When it's hot, try to schedule outdoor activities in the morning or evening.

During exercise, it is recommended to take a break, pay attention to adjust the intensity of outdoor exercise, and reduce outdoor activities on hot days.

If you have a rapid heartbeat, breathlessness, dizziness, palpitation, etc., you should stop exercising immediately and rest in time.

3. Do a good job of summer sun protection

Sunburn affects the body's ability to cool down, causing dehydration. Wear a sunhat and sunglasses outdoors, and apply sunscreen with an appropriate sun protection factor 30 minutes before going out.

2. Drink water scientifically and eat reasonably

1. Scientific drinking water

Don't wait until you're thirsty to drink water.

The right way is to drink water at all times to keep your body hydrated. Do not drink a lot of water when you are thirsty, otherwise it will be difficult for the stomach and intestines to adapt.

In summer, everyone likes to eat cold drinks, but cold drinks will cause the capillary constriction of the gastric mucosa, which will affect the secretion of digestive juices such as pepsin and gastric acid, and even bring various gastrointestinal diseases, such as stomach pain and diarrhea.

2. Replenish salt and minerals

Heavy sweating can lose salt and minerals, and sports drinks can help replace the salt and minerals lost in sweat and should be replenished in time.

3. Rational food

In summer, the weather is hot, and people's appetite is generally reduced, which can limit the absorption of nutrients and make the body's resistance decrease.

Therefore, in summer, it is more important to pay attention to balanced nutrition and supplement enough protein, such as fish, milk, and legumes. The diet should be light, and it is not advisable to eat high-calorie, greasy, and spicy foods, because these foods are not easy to digest and increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

Consume foods rich in vitamin C, such as tomatoes, watermelon, bayberry, melon, etc. In the morning and evening, you can eat some heatstroke porridge, such as: mung bean porridge, honeysuckle porridge, mint porridge, lotus seed porridge, red bean porridge, winter melon porridge, lotus leaf porridge, etc.

3. Master first-aid measures and always prepare heatstroke prevention medicines

Learn the signs and symptoms of heat stroke-related illnesses and how to treat them. At the same time, it is always necessary to prepare heatstroke prevention drugs, such as Rendan, ten drops of water, cool oil, wind oil essence, heat disease tablets, Xia Sangju granules, etc.

Hot hot hot!

Part of the material sources: China Fire and Rescue, National Emergency Broadcasting, Xinjiang Meteorological Bureau