
Hanzhuang Town, Weishan County, guards the beautiful rivers and lakes and paints an ecological picture
Hanzhuang Town, Weishan County, guards the beautiful rivers and lakes and paints an ecological picture

Hanzhuang Town River and Lake Shoreline Improvement Work Conference

Dazhong reporter Yuan Zhenduo correspondent Wang Ru Zhang Guoqiang reported from Jining

Since the beginning of this year, Hanzhuang Town, Weishan County, has actively carried out environmental improvement actions along the shorelines of rivers and lakes, focusing on the "9 key points" to comprehensively investigate and rectify the environmental problems of the shorelines of rivers and lakes in the Nansi Lake Basin, so as to ensure that the shoreline of rivers and lakes is fully covered.

The special meeting led the way to strengthen the implementation of responsibilities

The Party Committee and Government of Hanzhuang Town attach great importance to the improvement of the river and lake shoreline, quickly convene a special meeting, and quickly convey the spirit of the meeting to the districts and villages.

Hanzhuang Town, Weishan County, guards the beautiful rivers and lakes and paints an ecological picture

Crews clean up the river

Grid responsibility decomposition Self-inspection and rectification first

All districts and villages in Hanzhuang Town actively responded to the call and held meetings to study the management of river and lake shorelines. Under the guidance of the plan, each village in Hanzhuang Town organized personnel to carry out self-inspection, and at the same time, in response to the problems fed back by the city and county, the work team was decomposed into each grid in a timely manner to ensure that the responsibility was assigned to the person and the measures were in place. In the process of rectification, each grid gave full play to its main role, actively carried out self-rectification, and for the problems that can be solved by themselves, the grid personnel acted quickly to ensure that the problems were solved in a timely manner.

The special team focused on tackling tough problems and comprehensively investigated and rectified

Through on-site visits and data checking, the working team carried out a comprehensive investigation and rectification of the river and lake shorelines within the town, and at the same time made detailed records of the problems found, and promptly pushed them to all districts and villages to urge them to rectify in time. For complex and difficult problems, the Hanzhuang Town Work Team took concentrated action to organize relevant departments and personnel to jointly study solutions to ensure that the problems were fundamentally solved.

Hanzhuang Town, Weishan County, guards the beautiful rivers and lakes and paints an ecological picture

Crews clean up the river

Since the start of the special operation, more than 50 river cleaners have been organized at the town and village levels, more than 10 boats and 5 garbage removal vehicles have been dispatched to clean up water pollution problems such as shoreline garbage, aquatic weeds, duckweeds, and fishing nets.

Heqing Lake, ecology first, and everyone is responsible for improving the shoreline. Hanzhuang Town will continue to carry out dragnet and doxxing investigation and rectification, clean up and rectify the "four chaos" problems of rivers and lakes, solve the stubborn diseases of river and lake pollution, create a shoreline environment of rivers and lakes with "clean water and clean shores", and make every effort to ensure the ecological security of the Nansi Lake Basin.

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