
What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

author:Dr. Curious's lab


What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

Some time ago

I've got a whole article for you -

"What seems bad to couples

It's actually a good act."

Then someone asked

"That doesn't look like a good thing

It's actually a bad thing."

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

on the subject

I looked up a lot of information

A few points were sorted out

I'll put it out today for everyone to see

What seem like a good thing to do between couples

Is it actually a bad thing?


Couples do not quarrel for a long time

Probably a bad thing

The two of them are tired of being together every day

Inevitably, there will be all sorts of small frictions

Quarrels are inevitable

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

But if one of the parties

It's a "stuffy gourd" who doesn't like to talk

Every time there is a contradiction

He carried forward the character of "silence is golden".

It seems to have solved the problem

In fact, there are hidden dangers

Because if couples don't quarrel for a long time

Instead, it can cause certain problems

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

There was a survey that found

Couples who dare to quarrel with each other

Rather, it's easier over a longer period of time

Maintain a strong love for each other

From an emotional point of view

Quarrels are actually the release of negative emotions

If you "can't make noise" every time you get angry

Negative emotions have always been blocked in my heart

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

It's been a long time

will become more and more dissatisfied with the other person

And then from a health point of view

Keep the bad emotions in your heart

It is also bad for health in the long run

Studies have shown that

When you have a conflict with your partner

Women who often "self-silence".

The risk of death increases several times

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

In short, it should be noisy

100,000,000 Ninja Arrivals


Couples have pets together

Probably a bad thing

A lot of people will be after taking off the single

Choose to have a cat and a dog together

Both cats and dogs are happy

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

But from certain angles

Couples have pets together

It's not necessarily all good

Sometimes it can be counterproductive

For example, after getting a pet

All the attention is on it

Cats and dogs

Attention to your partner has gone away

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

Another example is the appearance of "separation anxiety"

I went straight to where I wanted to play

Now I'm worried about my pets

Sacrifice time with your partner

There are surveys that show

More than 6 percent of boys feel from the bottom of their hearts

than a partner

They prefer to play with their own dogs

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

in a word

Having a cat and a dog is not a trivial matter

You have to think it through


Couples often exchange gifts

Probably a bad thing

Couples exchange gifts

Show love

It seems to be beneficial and harmless, and the more the merrier

But the relevant investigation shows

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

Actually, a large part of the population

will feel anxious about "giving gifts".

Especially for couples

Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries

The more you give gifts

Anxiety also appears more frequently

Don't know what to send

Will you like it if you send it

How to send new tricks


These can be a source of anxiety

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

And then this emotion

I can't share it with the other person

Because couples give gifts

It's important to keep it mysterious

I do this all the time

The more anxiety accumulates, the worse it gets

It's easy to quarrel and get depressed

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?


The couple kissed too much

Probably a bad thing

When couples are together

Kissing and hugging and lifting high is indispensable

But I recommend that you stop at the point

Don't kiss for too long

When a couple kisses

The temporomandibular joint will be unconscious

Swipe back and forth

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

Affectionate kiss for 3 minutes

The effect is equivalent to

Chew 90 times continuously

Or yawn 90 in a row

If it's too long

The slightest carelessness can lead to this

Jaw "missing"

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?


Couples have sex every day

Probably a bad thing

The last one

Finally, we have talked about the points that everyone is most concerned about

If this happens too often

may make certain parts of your body

An "unusual" change occurred

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

Like the head

If you have sex too often

It increases the concentration of DHT in the blood

This thing has a magical effect

Causes hair loss

As for the changes in other areas

Let's not give examples one by one

Everyone understands it~

What seem to be good things in couples but are actually bad things?

more than

These are the 5 I want to share today

A guide to "lightning protection" in couples' lives

I hope that there is all of you

I can pull myself up and learn together

Friends who are still single

You can also find out in advance

Anyway, it's always going to be used~

Doctor for a minute, his posture rising

I'm Dr. Curious

Nice to meet you