
Men hot and cold? It's time for you to learn 3 "special moves".

author:Zhou woodcutter

In the red dust.

When you meet, you know enough.

If two people can hold hands and become a couple.

That would be, even luckier.

But in the emotional world, love is also a common phenomenon.

Women, in particular, are cautious and accept men's pursuits.

I thought that the two sides would always love each other.

And when love enters a dull period, two people will face unprecedented tests, and many men will become indifferent.

When encountering such a predicament, how can a woman get out?

Men hot and cold? Then it's time for you to learn these 3 "nirvana".

Men hot and cold? It's time for you to learn 3 "special moves".


Maintain rational thinking

When men are cold to you.

Don't make a lot of noise, but stay calm and sane.

George Bernard Shaw once said:

"The whole dignity of man lies in the mind."

In this case, a woman's rational thinking is the key to showing the depth of thought.

Only through sober analysis can we find the true answer.

Here's an example.

Friend Xuanzi, I feel that my boyfriend doesn't love her anymore.

The reason is that her boyfriend has become obsessed with working overtime and often ignores her feelings.

Under my persuasion, Xuanzi regained her senses.

In the end, through observation and communication, she found that her boyfriend's work pressure had increased.

So recently, I can't find time to spend with her, and even under pressure, my boyfriend's mood is a little unstable.

found the reason, and the relationship between the two people returned to the past.

Men hot and cold? It's time for you to learn 3 "special moves".


Be independent and confident

Writer Helen Keller argues:

"A person's faith is the master of destiny."

In fact, self-confidence is also very important in love.

When the woman realizes that the man is hot and cold to herself.

At this time, don't question each other, let alone think that you are unattractive.

No matter how it turns out.

A woman's self-confidence will help solve the problem at hand.

Seen such a case.

Xiaofang felt that her boyfriend was hot and cold to her.

Although she said that she would feel uneasy, Xiaofang did not become passive, but continued to do her own thing.

Work hard when you're busy, and improve when you're free.

Unconsciously, Xiaofang became more confident and determined, and her changes made her boyfriend impressed.

The boyfriend was calm, seeing Xiaofang getting better, and even felt that he was not worthy of her.

When a man is hot and cold towards you, don't rely on him too much, but keep your own pace of life and hobbies.

In doing so, you can make women more attractive and men choose to respect you.

Men hot and cold? It's time for you to learn 3 "special moves".


Take the initiative to communicate and express

Every relationship.

In fact, there is a dull day.

When love comes to this point, the man's enthusiasm and initiative decreases.

In this case, communication is important.

In the words of George Bernard Shaw:

"Communication is the bridge of the heart."

When two people get along, it is inevitable that there will be disagreements and doubts.

If one day, a man is hot and cold to you, and a woman does not need to argue with the other party.

The right thing to do is to take the initiative to communicate and solve the problem.

Through effective communication, you can eliminate misunderstandings and estrangements and allow each other to know and understand each other better.

In addition, effective communication allows women to see what men really think.

If the other party is really unwilling to continue, then there is no need for a woman to entangle, and it is a wise choice to choose a stop loss.

Men hot and cold? It's time for you to learn 3 "special moves".

A long-term relationship needs to be managed.

Especially, when the love of two people is in trouble.

In this case, it is even more necessary for everyone to use some "nirvana" to get each other out of this confusion. In the face of men's neglect, women may wish to analyze rationally, while maintaining self-confidence and communication.

No matter what the outcome is, I hope that everyone can learn to love themselves.

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