
Three reversals in 110 days! It was revealed that Barcelona would fire Xavi, and it was officially announced as soon as 2 days later, and Mr. Ra was bombarded


On Friday, "World Sport" and "Daily Sport" confirmed that Laporta had made the decision that Xavi would no longer coach Barcelona. In just 110 days, from Xavi's announcement of his departure to his decision to stay, to Laporta's decision to fire Xavi, the chaos of Barcelona's internal management can be seen!

Three reversals in 110 days! It was revealed that Barcelona would fire Xavi, and it was officially announced as soon as 2 days later, and Mr. Ra was bombarded

On 28 January, Barcelona came back from defeat to Villarreal. After the game, Xavi said he would leave the team at the end of the season, "I made this decision a few days ago, I don't want to be a burden, I want to be a problem solver. Even if I lead the team to win the Champions League, it is an irrevocable decision. ”

Surprisingly, Barcelona announced on April 25 that Xavi would remain in office. After Xavi's meeting with Laporta, Juste and Deco, Xavi agreed to continue coaching Barcelona, and Yust publicly stated, "The presidium unanimously agrees with such a decision, and Deco also trusts Xavi 100%. ”

One of the reasons why Xavi changed his decision was that, like Bayern, Barcelona lacked a suitable plan B. The lack of funding in the summer window made Barcelona unattractive to the coach, and Xavi was unbeaten in 12 games after announcing his departure, so Barcelona finally changed their decision.

With Barcelona announcing that Xavi is staying and Tuchel is also likely to stay at Bayern, the media are also calling on Jurgen Klopp to change his decision and stay at Liverpool.

Three reversals in 110 days! It was revealed that Barcelona would fire Xavi, and it was officially announced as soon as 2 days later, and Mr. Ra was bombarded

However, the situation has changed dramatically. On Wednesday, ahead of the game against Almeria, Xavi said: "Our goal is to change, to attract young players and to improve, otherwise it will be the same as this season. ”

"It's hard for Barcelona to compete with the best teams right now, especially financially. Other clubs are in a much better situation than we are and Barça fans have to understand that. We have to adapt to that as well, but that doesn't mean Barça will give up. ”

Needless to say, Xavi told the truth about Barca. However, Harvey's remarks caused an uproar. On Thursday, Radio Corbe was the first to reveal that Barça was unhappy with Xavi's remarks, and some even suggested that Laporta sack Xavi.

Subsequently, the newspaper "As" revealed that Laporta was angry with Xavi's comments and has asked the sports department to find a new manager. At the same time, Deco has already traveled to Portugal and is likely to meet with Porto coach Conceição, and the other managers who have entered the Barcelona selection list are Flick and Marquez.

"People close to him tell Laporta that Barcelona need a new plan, a manager who can bring new ideas, fresh air, ambition and optimism, and Xavi does not meet that requirement." ”

Three reversals in 110 days! It was revealed that Barcelona would fire Xavi, and it was officially announced as soon as 2 days later, and Mr. Ra was bombarded

Former Barcelona president Gaspart also criticized Xavi, "He should apologize for his words, he must say that he was wrong, it is not what he really thinks." For him, he should recognize that he can compete for the title next season. ”

'I'm not saying that for Barcelona or Laporta, I'm saying that for the fans. The fans want to see hope and I hope Xavi will change his story. ”

Laporta did not travel to Almeria because of his dissatisfaction with Xavi, while both the two top brassiers, Yust and Soler, remained silent when asked about Xavi's future after the game, which intensified the rumours that Xavi would be sacked.

Xavi said after the game, "Our relationship hasn't changed, I just said what I thought. We are planning the new season with Deco and I think it's an opportunity to stay at the best club in the world and I'm ambitious enough to win the title. ”

"As I said, our economic situation is not the best and we are trying to turn it around. There will always be noise, and Deco and Laporta are the most important people in this plan. We are preparing for next season's Super Cup and I really hope Barcelona win it again. I have enough desire, enthusiasm and ambition. ”

Three reversals in 110 days! It was revealed that Barcelona would fire Xavi, and it was officially announced as soon as 2 days later, and Mr. Ra was bombarded

On Friday, the famous journalist Jordi Buster was the first to reveal that Laporta Laporta made Xavi's decision not to continue to coach Barcelona, and subsequently, "Daily Sport" and "World Sport" also confirmed the news.

According to the media, Barcelona will make the announcement after the match against Rayo Vallecano, as it is likely that Barcelona will secure second place in the league and complete the minimum goal of the season.

On the question of whether Xavi will stay in office, the Barça management has repeatedly changed their minds, which has triggered ridicule from the media. "We can officially declare that Barcelona are going through the worst moment in their century-long history, and that it will be even worse. ”