
Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".

author:Jiuquan Expressway in Gansu Province
Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".

Since the launch of the special action of "pulling the net to fight and escape", in order to implement the "precise escape" according to the benchmark, the Chijin toll station has continued to explore new methods and new paths for auditing and evasion, actively planned, implemented precise policies, and vigorously promoted to severely crack down on all kinds of fee evasion behaviors to ensure that the toll collection is "granular to the warehouse".

"Data Comparison + Analysis and Judgment". Strengthen the review of special vehicles. Intensify the verification of vehicles suspected of evading fees, such as empty cards, entry and exit, counterfeit free vehicles, and large vehicles with small labels. Through the special data pushed by the provincial audit platform, the CPC card responsibility and the vehicle information of the card, starting from the information of the last gantry of vehicle traffic, digging deep into the clues of evasion fees such as temporary license plate and "entry but no exit", the "sifting" investigation of abnormal vehicles, and the verification and recovery of abnormal data one by one, so as to improve the ability to check leaks and block evasions.

Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".

"Training empowerment + precise escape". Focusing on issues such as audit platform training, work order initiation and processing, we will continue to strengthen the internal data audit analysis and on-site disposal capabilities of charges, focus on the diversity of audit evasion, and realize the qualitative transformation of the scope of audit evasion from "large to fine", the accuracy of the attack from "coarse to fine", and the combat thinking from "passive escape" to "active attack", further improve the level of audit management, and promote the normalization of audit work.

Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".

"Take the case as a mirror + discuss and exchange". Regularly hold key case analysis meetings, focus on audit loopholes, collect and sort out typical cases of large trucks and small standards, mobile OBUs, truck passenger standards, etc., comprehensively analyze and review from the process description and case investigation, analyze and exchange difficult and complex problems in the disposal process, and discuss with each other, so as to further improve the data audit analysis and on-site disposal capabilities of charging.

Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".

Contributed by 雒雯 (Chijin Toll Station)

Edited by Han Na

Audit|Fu Jinghua

Chijin Toll Station: Towards "acceleration" to boost the quality and efficiency of the special action of "pulling the net to fight escape".