
How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Repeated advice: Eat less of these 3 things for breakfast, it hurts blood vessels too much

author:Longnan Xi and released

With the growth of age, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular problems have gradually become the focus of attention of middle-aged and elderly people. Among them, cerebral infarction, as a serious cerebrovascular disease, not only endangers life, but also brings a heavy burden to the family. Many people may not know that the occurrence of cerebral infarction is closely related to our eating habits.

Today, we will talk about those foods that may harm blood vessels in breakfast, and how to adjust dietary habits to prevent cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Repeated advice: Eat less of these 3 things for breakfast, it hurts blood vessels too much

A short story - Uncle Zhang's confusion

Uncle Zhang is sixty-five years old this year, and his body has always been quite tough. But lately, he has been feeling dizzy and sometimes numb in his hands and feet. When he went to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told him that it was a precursor to a cerebral infarction.

Uncle Zhang is very confused, his usual life is quite regular, why did he get a cerebral infarction? The doctor told him that it might have something to do with his eating habits.

01 High-salt foods: invisible killers

At the breakfast table, many middle-aged and elderly people like to eat pickles, tofu and other high-salt foods. Although these foods are delicious, long-term consumption can cause a lot of damage to blood vessels. "The Emperor's Neijing" mentions: "The taste is too salty, the bones are tired, the muscles are short, and the heart is depressed." This means that eating too much salty food can damage bones and muscles and suppress heart qi. Modern medical research has also confirmed that a high-salt diet can increase blood pressure, increase the burden on the heart, and increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

02 High-sugar foods: the sweet trap

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Repeated advice: Eat less of these 3 things for breakfast, it hurts blood vessels too much

In addition to high-salt foods, high-sugar foods are also a common choice for breakfast. Sweet soy milk, sweet porridge, pastries and other sweets are popular among middle-aged and elderly people. However, these high-sugar foods not only cause an increase in blood sugar, but also accelerate the aging of blood vessels. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweets are prone to dampness and phlegm, which affects the circulation of qi and blood. Long-term consumption of high-sugar foods can easily lead to blockage of blood vessels, which can lead to cerebral infarction.

03 High-fat foods: the culprit of blood vessel blockage

High-fat foods such as fried dough sticks, pancakes, and fried dumplings are also popular for breakfast. Although these foods are delicious, long-term consumption will lead to an increase in blood lipids and increase the risk of cerebral infarction.

How much of cerebral infarction is eaten? Repeated advice: Eat less of these 3 things for breakfast, it hurts blood vessels too much

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that high-fat foods can easily lead to phlegm and dampness, affecting the flow of qi and blood. Modern medical research has also confirmed that a high-fat diet can lead to atherosclerosis, which increases the risk of cerebral infarction.

How to adjust breakfast habits to prevent cerebral infarction?

In order to prevent the occurrence of cerebral infarction, middle-aged and elderly people should adjust their breakfast habits and try to avoid eating the above three foods. Choose some light, nutritious foods for breakfast, such as oatmeal, whole wheat bread, eggs, milk, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to a balanced diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy and spicy foods.


The occurrence of cerebral infarction is not accidental, it is closely related to our eating habits. As middle-aged and elderly people, we should pay attention to our eating habits, adjust the breakfast structure, and stay away from high-salt, high-sugar, and high-fat foods. Only in this way can we have a healthy body and enjoy a good old age.

Interactive Session: What are your breakfast habits?

Dear readers, what are your breakfast habits? Do you regularly consume the above three foods? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area to share your experience and views. Let's communicate and learn together and add points to health together!

Source: Life Tips WeChat public account (ID: zhilaizhiwan5)

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