
Poetry: Waiting for you, go to the end of the world together

author:Writer 荟


Text/Ma Yong

Poetry: Waiting for you, go to the end of the world together

The old locust tree sits alone at the entrance of the village

Wind and frost, rain and snow every year

The years are bitter and sour


Slip down countless moving stories

The nest is full

The sorrow of leaving

Joy of returning

Hanging on the branches

Sincere prayers flew out of the iron

Fat growth rings

Skinny pyrotechnics

Thoughts run away with the fallen leaves


The horizon is paved with sunshine

The old locust tree supports the white-haired mother-in-law

Hand on pergola

Watch the back of the original departure from home

Poetry: Waiting for you, go to the end of the world together

Waiting for you

Gaze at the countryside

Alone in time

Waiting for you

On the ridge of the blooming flowers


Xiaguang kisses goodbye to yesterday's scar

Tears of infatuation rolled down his cheeks

Dive into the heart of the flower

The sorrow of the flowering period


A starry sky

Stretch the shadows

Footprints left at the entrance of the village

Lonely lookout


It's a success

It's a failure

Or is it fickle

Hardships and dangers are shouldered


The cry before dawn

Dispel the loneliness of the sky

Thin back

Shake the red sun in your heart

Poetry: Waiting for you, go to the end of the world together

The plough of longing

Cultivate the message in the dirt

The spring breeze blows

Waiting for you

Let's go to the end of the world