
News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.17

author:Phoenix TV
{"info":{"title":{"content":"今天全世界都在看的新闻2024.5.17","en":"News that the whole world is watching today2024.5.17"},"description":{"content":"普京出席第八届中俄博览会开幕式并致辞俄罗斯总统普京5月17日在哈尔滨出席第八届中俄博览会开幕式并发表致辞。普京表示,俄中...","en":"Putin attended the opening ceremony of the 8th China-Russia Expo and delivered a speechRussian President Vladimir Putin attended the opening ceremony of the 8th China-Russia Expo in Harbin on May 17 and delivered a speech. Putin said that Russia and China..."}},"items":[]}