
The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

author:Yunnan Net

In recent years, the Public Security Bureau of Luoping County, Qujing City, has firmly established the work concept of "propaganda work is also combat effectiveness", attached importance to the role of media propaganda, and told police stories and public security voices in an all-round way. Promptly publicize the achievements of the public security front in guarding peace, cracking down on crime, serving the masses, and the advanced collectives and individuals that have emerged, and guide the masses to move from "approaching public security and experiencing public security" to "understanding and supporting public security". The Luoping police have opened accounts on new media platforms such as Weibo, WeChat, Douyin, and Kuaishou, creating their own new media brands and occupying the position of public opinion, with a total of more than 5 million fans so far.

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

Breaking the wall and getting out of the circle, the strength of the master-apprentice combination is "live"

"Luoping Police", a county-level public security account that is active on the Internet, can be said to be famous, short videos such as law popularization and anti-fraud are full of creativity, and the editing style is refreshing...... Many people call out that the behind-the-scenes operators are definitely "post-00s".

The reporter explored the behind-the-scenes story of the "Luoping Police" and found that the editor is not a "post-00", but a "master-apprentice combination" who is deeply involved in public security propaganda......

Master Zhu Yansong, deputy director of the Political Work Office of the Luoping County Public Security Bureau of Qujing City, a "post-70s" veteran propagandist of the public security front, with first-class photography and videography skills; Apprentice Hu Jie loves video editing, "Luoping Police" operation and maintenance, editor. Fate made the two meet, became a master and apprentice, and a partner, and fought side by side for 5 years, operating and maintaining the "Luoping Police".

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

In 2019, Zhu Yansong registered the "Luoping Police" account, and one person is responsible for operation and maintenance, editing, and taking into account various tasks of the department. At this time, Hu Jie, a 18-year-old Luo Ping guy, entered Zhu Yansong's field of vision.

Because of his love, Hu Jie entered the special police brigade of the Luoping County Public Security Bureau and became an auxiliary police officer who went out on patrol. During his work, Hu Jie showed great enthusiasm and unusual talent for public security propaganda work. He is keen to write public security press releases, likes to edit cartoons, has an active mind, and has a good sense of networking. Zhu Yansong obtained a treasure and applied to transfer Hu Jie from the patrol auxiliary police to the political work department for publicity. Since then, the master and apprentice have joined forces to fully undertake the video operation and maintenance and editing of the "Luoping Police" account.

A walkie-talkie is Zhu Yansong's inseparable treasure, and he relies on it to get news clues. "With the walkie-talkie in hand, I can 'listen to all directions', always grasp the dynamics of the command center command and police team, and be ready to fight with the police and deal with public opinion at any time." Zhu Yansong said with a smile.

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

Continuous innovation has found a suitable traffic track

With love, Zhu Yansong took the members of the new media team to work tirelessly to go to the streets and alleys of Luoping, shuttle through the mountains and fields, capture the most vivid materials, and return to the office to work overtime to edit videos, just to come up with good works and be a good public security propagandist. Countless days and nights and efforts, the bottleneck period continues to innovate thinking, find new paths, and finally find your own traffic track.

As a police account, the behind-the-scenes team of "Luoping Police" relies on the daily work of the public security to seize the content that the masses like to see, such as matching the Internet hot stalk with romantic music and videos that violate traffic rules, and integrating them into the "love and hatred" of the masses and the traffic police, anti-fraud propaganda and other videos, becoming the most "lively" official account, all kinds of down-to-earth propaganda make netizens call "too top" and "must see every day", traffic violations, public security, electric fraud and other typical cases, the editing is brilliant, the flip is unpredictable, so that netizens can see it in their minds.

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

At present, "Luoping Police" has two short video accounts, Douyin and Kuaishou, with a total of more than 5.2 million fans. Keep up with the times, use the Internet to let new means of communication help public security propaganda work, and add wings to enhance the combat effectiveness of new public security. In the process of continuous exploration and innovation, "Luoping Police" has become an influential traffic account in the Yunnan public security team, and was elected as the "Four Hundred" Excellent Douyin Account of the Central Political and Legal Commission in 2021, the "Excellent Creator" Kuaishou Account in 2021, and the Influential Government Account of the Year in 2022.

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

The problem-solving account has become a convenient service station

"If you have difficulties, find the police!" For the Luoping police, this is not an empty word. Over the years, the "Luoping Police" has also attracted a large number of traffic for the people.

"Editor, there are minors in a game room in Changshou Lane......"

"Editor, in a deactivated hotel restaurant near the traffic light on Kowloon Avenue, someone summoned a group of elderly people to give a lecture and tricked them into buying things......"

Every time he received a report from the masses, Zhu Yansong immediately responded, while going alone or with team members to find out the situation, while contacting the command center, following the police of relevant public security departments to participate in the disposal, and follow up on the publicity. Luo Ping took the lead in clearing the gambling game room in Qujing City, and the Internet café was cleaned up and remediated; There are fewer and fewer illegal gangs that engage in false propaganda and deceive the elderly into buying things with small favors.

"Hello, if you don't receive a timely reply, please add the editor's WeChat ×××, and the editor will answer in time." Zhu Yansong told reporters that in order to ensure timely contact with fans, he set up an automatic reply in the background of the "Luoping Police" Douyin account. Because of this, the number of friends in Zhu Yansong's personal WeChat address book has reached 5,515.

The "Luoping Police" who broke through the circle with their strength

"There is no trivial matter for the masses, and we strive to respond to everything and reply to everything, so that we can truly connect with the majority of netizens, understand the problems of the masses, and truly do a good job in grassroots public security services." Zhu Yansong said.

In recent years, the "Luoping Police" WeChat public account, Douyin and other accounts have not only undertaken public security propaganda work, but also expanded the service field, extending into a public platform and convenient service station for the public.

"Thank you very much to the 'Luoping Police' for finding my grandfather tonight......"

"Work efficiently and sincerely serve the people!"

Open the background to reflect problems, help messages, and words of thanks...... There are dozens or even hundreds of messages a day, and every day Zhu Yansong and his friends comb them one by one, reply patiently, connect with the police of various departments, answer questions and solve problems for the masses online and offline, and practice the original mission of people's public security for the people.

Yunnan Net reporter Zhang Wen Jiang Qiongbo