
The Provincial Department of Natural Resources went to Anhua Town to carry out flood season inspections and survey of projects to be put into storage

author:Anhua Town, Wudu, Longnan
{"info":{"title":{"content":"省自然资源厅到安化镇开展汛期巡查和拟入库项目踏勘工作","en":"The Provincial Department of Natural Resources went to Anhua Town to carry out flood season inspections and survey of projects to be put into storage"},"description":{"content":"5月17日,省自然资源厅到安化镇开展汛期巡查和拟入库项目踏勘工作,市、区相关领导,镇党政主要负责人一同开展工作。巡查组一...","en":"On May 17, the Provincial Department of Natural Resources went to Anhua Town to carry out flood season inspections and surveys of projects to be put into storage. Patrol Team 1..."}},"items":[]}