
Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

author:Those things about what we eat and drink

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

The weather is slowly getting hotter, move a little, you will feel hot, at this time it is really not suitable to eat too much greasy food, everyone should pay more attention to adjust the diet in time, it is good for the body.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

Meatballs, I believe many people like to eat, but don't fry them now, it's better to cook them, a little lighter, suitable for all ages, very good.

When it comes to boiling meatballs, I often make meatball soup with different ingredients, such as wakame meatball soup, cabbage meatball soup, spinach meatball soup, etc., all of which are delicious and nutritious, and children eat very deliciously, you can also try it.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

I believe that some people have tried to cook meatballs, and may encounter such a question, why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? In fact, it is not difficult to cook meatballs, as long as you keep in mind 3 tips, you will not be able to cook them all, and the meat will be tender and fragrant!

How, exactly? Let me share with you the detailed method of cooking meatballs, you may wish to follow it.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

【Boiled meat maruko】

Prepare pork, ginger, chives, eggs, white pepper, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, salt, starch and water.

1. The choice of meat is very important, you can buy any kind of foreleg meat, plum blossom meat, and pork belly, if you use pork belly, it must be leaner, and the meat quality should be fresh, and it will be tender and fragrant.

2. Remove the pig skin, remove the fascia, if you want to have a good taste, the fascia must be removed, don't be lazy.

3. Cut the pork into small cubes, peel and wash the ginger and chop it into minced pieces, wash the chives and chop them into minced pieces.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

4. Put the pork and green onion and ginger together, chop into a sticky meat filling, if you want the meatballs to taste good and not easy to spread, you need to work hard to chop the meat. If you find it hard to chop, you can use a meat grinder to beat the meat into a delicate shape. Note that the green onion and ginger should be chopped or crushed together with the pork, which can make the meat filling more fragrant and have a better taste.

5. Put the meat filling into a large bowl, add salt, white pepper, chicken essence, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce (a few drops are fine) and stir well, then beat in an egg and stir thoroughly.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

6. After the meat filling is slightly viscous, add a small spoonful of starch to add stickiness to the meat filling, which not only makes the meatballs not scatter, but also allows the meatballs to be cooked

Meatballs are more tender. After adding the starch, continue to stir in the same direction until it becomes sticky.

7. Add water to the pot, add ginger slices, turn up the heat and cook until dense bubbles appear at the bottom of the pot, then turn to low heat. Then use a spoon dipped in water to scoop a little meat filling, put the balls into the pot, or grab the meat filling, squeeze out the meatballs with the tiger's mouth of your hand, and then dig them down with a spoon dipped in water and put them into the pot. Choose one of the two methods.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

8. After the meatballs are put into the pot, do not stir in a hurry, and keep the heat in medium-low, and when the meatballs are done, turn to medium heat and cook until the meatballs are all floating.

9. Add other ingredients you want to put in the pot, such as tofu cubes and wakame, and then add salt and white pepper to taste.

10. Cook for two minutes at the end, and then it's ready to cook. For friends who like sesame oil, you can add some after it comes out of the pot. If you prefer it lighter, you don't need to add it, because the meatballs will be cooked with fat.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

There are 3 tips to keep in mind:

1. The meat filling should be chopped delicately and sticky, so that the meatballs will not fall apart and the taste will be better.

2. Eggs and starch should be added to the meat filling to increase the viscosity and make the meatballs more tender.

3. When the meatballs are put into the pot, pay attention to the water temperature, remember that it is best to put the meatballs in the state that the water is not boiled and there are a lot of bubbles, and keep it cooked over medium-low heat, and the meatballs will not scatter.

In addition, if you want the meatballs to be fragrant and not fishy, remember to add green onions, ginger and white pepper.

Why do meatballs fall apart as soon as they are cooked? Keep in mind the 3 tips, all of them will not be boiled, and the meat will be tender and fragrant

Meatballs do this, the meat is tender and fragrant, and they are all boiled, teach you how to do it in detail, come and learn. Master the above methods and skills, make sure that the boiled meatballs will not fall apart, you can quickly make them and taste them. Welcome to leave a message to discuss, if you think the article is useful to you, please give me a favorite, like, comment, forward, follow, so that more people can see it, let everyone learn together, thank you for your support to me, we will see you next time!
