
The finals of the third season of "Super Chinese Class" are coming, and students are enthusiastically reciting "Young China Says"

author:Shandong Satellite TV
{"info":{"title":{"content":"《超级语文课》第三季总决赛强势来袭 学生热血齐诵《少年中国说》","en":"The finals of the third season of \"Super Chinese Class\" are coming, and students are enthusiastically reciting \"Young China Says\""},"description":{"content":"《超级语文课》第三季总决赛“最难一课”本周正式开启!该赛段共有六位老师进行授课教学,争夺第三季总冠军,授课篇目由全国中小...","en":"The \"Most Difficult Lesson\" in the Season 3 Finals of \"Super Chinese Lesson\" officially opens this week! A total of six teachers taught in this stage, competing for the championship of the third season."}},"items":[]}