
The new housing loan policy is officially announced! The central bank issued three blockbuster policies in a row!

author:Xianning News Network
{"info":{"title":{"content":"住房贷款新政官宣!央行连发三条重磅政策!","en":"The new housing loan policy is officially announced! The central bank issued three blockbuster policies in a row!"},"description":{"content":"今天(5月17日)中国人民银行连发三条重磅消息↓↓↓取消全国层面首套住房和二套住房商业性个人住房贷款利率政策下限下调个人...","en":"Today (May 17), the People's Bank of China issued three heavy news in a row↓↓↓↓ Cancel the lower limit of the commercial personal housing loan interest rate policy for the first and second houses at the national level, and lower the personal ..."}},"items":[]}