
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!

author:Jiaxiang Fusions


Who understands the family?!

The rain has just left

The sunny and hot weather is immediately full of blood and resurrection

36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!

Jiaxiang Meteorological Bureau is the latest

The published weather forecast shows:

The highest temperature in Jiaxiang County during the day today

will rise to 36 °C

Go out for two minutes

Sweat for an hour

The details are as follows:

Weather forecast

Today from day to night, it will be cloudy and sunny, with a southerly wind of 3~4, a maximum temperature of 36 °C, and a minimum temperature of 22 °C;

From daytime to night on the 18th, it was sunny to cloudy, southeast wind level 3~4, the highest temperature was 36 °C, and the lowest temperature was 25 °C;

From day to night on the 19th, it was cloudy, with a southeast wind of 3~4, a maximum temperature of 33 °C, and a minimum temperature of 22 °C.

36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!

Summer is coming, as the temperature rises

A car will look like a steamer when left in the sun for a long time

Some items in the car that usually seem ordinary

But it has become a safety hazard


36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!
36°C! Jiaxiang high temperature is coming!

Source: Shandong Traffic Police Public Network Jining Jiaxiang County Meteorological Bureau