
Yilian Yoga Pilates Hall has undergone a decade of transformation and reopened to integrate new Chinese aesthetics

author:Lohas Liaoning
{"info":{"title":{"content":"逸莲瑜伽普拉提馆十年蜕变,重装开业融入新中式美学","en":"Yilian Yoga Pilates Hall has undergone a decade of transformation and reopened to integrate new Chinese aesthetics"},"description":{"content":"在沈阳国际软件园内,一家享有十年声誉的瑜伽普拉提馆——逸莲瑜伽普拉提馆(沈阳国际软件园E08座2楼),近日完成了全面的升...","en":"In Shenyang International Software Park, a yoga and Pilates hall with a ten-year reputation - Yilian Yoga Pilates Hall (2nd Floor, Block E08, Shenyang International Software Park), has recently completed a comprehensive upgrade."}},"items":[]}