
AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

author:Nomad starry sky

The game not only sparked a lot of heated discussions on social media, but also achieved good results on Steam, attracting many KOLs and KOCs to participate in the promotion, and also triggered a large number of user-created related content on Douyin, Weibo and other platforms, which caused heated discussions on the whole network.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

"Beauty, Overwhelmed" was officially released on May 15, and the game was priced at 42 yuan. This pricing is decent in the same track, but the discount is very large, 29.6 yuan after the first 14 days of discount, this price can be said to be full of sincerity.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

Since its release, "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has inspired players to deeply empathize with its unique dual-theme plot setting of workplace and love!

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

The script is reflected in reality, and this sense of substitution is too strong!

"Beauty, Overwhelmed" recreates the background of the game in the modern workplace, and the player incarnates the protagonist Bai Struggle to face various challenges in the workplace. The game not only restores the details of the workplace environment, such as the tense work rhythm and complex interpersonal relationships, but also allows players to experience the decision-making process and feel the hardships and sense of achievement of career promotion through rich plot lines and selective dialogues.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation
AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

There are no options in real life, but "Beauty, Overwhelmed" gives you options. The plot in the game is synchronized with reality, and players can experience different lives brought about by different choices in the game.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

The male protagonist Bai Struggle is an ordinary office worker, living a life of two points and one line, and longing for an extraordinary life while experiencing the ordinary. With average looks and no special features, such a boy grabs a lot in real life, so everyone can substitute for it.

The six girls have their own personalities and hobbies, as well as different circumstances and lives. Each person's setting represents a type of person in reality, and even your friends who can bring the characters in the game into reality, and this immersive and super immersive setting creates a sense of authenticity.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

This game is more like a huge real-life script, weaving real life into the game, allowing us to feel how different choices affect our careers and relationships. There is no back button in real life, but the game does. We can experience the consequences and effects of different choices and choose our own realistic path.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

In "Beauty, Overwhelmed", players not only experience life under different choices, but also think deeply and learn about real life.

AI Breaking Walls: An epic blend of virtual and real

The gameplay of the customized AI virtual companion pioneered by "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has also been well received and is considered to be a forward-looking and innovative technology application that opens up a new direction for the gaming industry.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

In the game, after the player unlocks each heroine, the heroine's phone book is unlocked. This phone book supports players to have text chats or voice messages with each heroine, and they can really have a love chat with six heroines.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

If you don't say it, it's hard to find out that the chat in the phone book is generated by AI, because not only is there a real voice of each girl to reply at any time, but the AI's personality and memory are completely consistent with the plot.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

In addition to story-related dialogues, players can also talk about workplace pressures, seek emotional comfort through conversations with AI avatars, and even in some cases, AI avatars can also play the role of life consultants, providing players with life advice or entertainment interactions, further enriching the player's gaming experience.

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

Head over to Steam and turn your life around!

"Beauty, Overwhelmed" creates a mirror life for players that is almost the same as real life, enhances the immersive sense of substitution, and creates a sense of realism in real life. The game is now officially available on Steam, so let's try it out if you're interested!

AI+ live-action interactive film game "Beauty, Overwhelmed" has a good reputation

Steam store link >>>>

Official public account: Beauties are overwhelmed

Official Douyin: Beauties are overwhelmed

Official Weibo: Beauty is overwhelmed by the official

Official Station B: Beauties are overwhelmed

Official QQ Exchange Group 1: 595564112

Official QQ Exchange Group 2: 696512074

Official WeChat player group: Follow the official account to send a "player group" or join a QQ group to contact the management staff

Follow the official platform of "Beauty, Overwhelmed" to have a chance to get multiple benefits such as game trial qualifications and signed photos of the protagonist!

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