
Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

Oh mom, I'm going to broadcast a sensational news to you today, and those bright-minded returnees are on a big story again! This time, instead of winning the grand prize of the entrepreneurship competition, he was involved in a storm of "credit cards swiping through the sky and then slapping his ass and running away". Potatoes are here, don't reveal them quickly, let's take a deep look at the five major focuses of this incident, but don't take it seriously, this is all fireworks in the world.

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

At first, he was a buddy studying in the United States, and it is said that he was about to graduate, and he didn't know where he learned from Columbus's discovery of the New World, and he actually came up with the idea of a smart ball. What's the idea? Damn, he actually swiped the credit cards of major banks and then prepared to return to China, and he was ashamed to regard it as the "first pot of gold". I have to ask, isn't this golden basin fragrant to wash your hands? Do you have to do this?

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

The second point is here, the maple leaf country of Great Britain is not idle, and there are also international students there who disappear with a bang. The technique is simple and crude, just three steps: buy, sell, and run. First, I used my credit card to buy some electronic products and cosmetics, and then sold them at a low price, and finally seized the opportunity to slip away. Oh my God, this is simply a new way to cash out, Tudou reminds everyone not to learn, let's be kind.

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

The third point is to talk about everyone's views. Some people scolded on the Internet, saying that this completely ruined the reputation of returnees and simply discredited the credibility of international students. Indeed, people are watching the sky, this kind of approach, do you think it looks like a bad guy in a movie?

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

Fourth, let's talk about the follow-up reaction of the student studying in the United States. He came forward to clarify several issues: first, he claimed that he was not an international student; Second, he is a good customer to the bank; Third, he felt that by doing so, he would not cause any so-called "credibility crisis" to others. It's as if the money in the bank is blowing in the wind.

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China
Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

The last focus, potatoes, will uncover the lid for everyone. Isn't there no consequence for this kind of runaway? The example of Singapore shows us that the consequences behind this are serious. Although Singapore has not signed an extradition agreement, once you go back, you will not only have to repay the principal, penalty interest, but also may enter a small black house, and even the guarantor will have to suffer.

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

To be honest, this kind of "grab a handful before leaving" mentality also makes people feel quite disturbed, after all, reputation is more precious than money. Yes, Tudou, as a self-media blogger, still hopes to pass on positive energy to everyone, don't do the rain and the wind is full of buildings. This kind of thing is still less than one thing, isn't it?

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China
Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China
Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

To sum up, international student buddies, have you thought about the consequences of doing this? Before I started my career, my credibility was already upside down. Let's speak fairly, it's definitely a big taboo. Believe it or not, don't talk about credit cards in the future, I'm afraid you don't even want to get a supermarket membership card! Hey, it's all tears, Tudou only hopes that everyone can uphold the basic principles of being a man, be down-to-earth, and be above board, after all, the most important thing to be a man is to have an open heart. This is today's potato broadcast, let's see you next time!

Students who stay in the United States swipe their cards and owe millions of dollars to run away, and Singapore's arrears have a great impact on returning to China

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