
These 4 "diseases" are actually not diseases, they may be people who are old, overtreated or injured!

author:Beiqing Net

We often hear older people say in our lives

"A man is sick when he gets old"

I even run to the hospital a lot

But you know what?

In the opinion of doctors

A lot of "diseases" are not sick, but old

Over-examination and treatment

Not only will it add unnecessary expenses

It can also cause harm to the body

What are the "diseases" that may simply be the person getting old?

These 4 types of "diseases" you think of as "diseases" may just be old

Degenerative changes in the bones and joints

When you get the physical examination report, many people will find the word "degenerative", such as degenerative changes in the lumbar spine, knee joint, and cervical spine.

In fact, "degenerative changes" is a medical term, and the popular term is aging. It is not a disease per se, but a natural process of human aging, and sometimes even a change in the body's adaptation to the environment.

It is recommended that circle members do not worry too much, but if it has affected your quality of life, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time.

These 4 "diseases" are actually not diseases, they may be people who are old, overtreated or injured!

Bone sting

Bone spurs are bone hyperplasia, which is the wear and tear of the intra-articular structure of the joint due to various reasons, and contributes to the repair, hardening and proliferation of the bone itself, which is essentially to increase the stability of the joint, which is a natural aging phenomenon and a kind of self-protection of the human body.

This disease is more common in people over 45 years old, and men are more common than women, and prolonged sitting, prolonged standing, and incorrect posture are also prone to induce the occurrence of bone spurs in advance.

Whether the bone spur itself needs to be treated depends on whether the bone spur is causing pain or discomfort in the joint. Not all bone spurs need to be treated, and there is currently no one treatment that can completely "eliminate" bone spurs, and the elderly should not be deceived by some unscrupulous advertisements.


40 to 55 years old is actually the age of high incidence of presbyopia, which is a normal manifestation of people after aging, and does not require excessive treatment, and most elderly people will obviously feel that their eye vision is not as good as before.

Once you find that your vision has deteriorated, you need to go to the hospital as soon as possible for an examination to rule out whether it is an eye disease, if it is just presbyopia, you only need to wear reading glasses, and you don't need to worry too much.

These 4 "diseases" are actually not diseases, they may be people who are old, overtreated or injured!

Enlarged anterior row glands

An enlarged prostate is a disease of old age.

Whether to treat or not, it depends on whether it affects the quality of daily life, living conditions, etc., if the impact is not large, it can be slowed down first, and if it has seriously affected life, it must be treated with medication or surgery as soon as possible.

These 4 "diseases" are actually not diseases, they may be people who are old, overtreated or injured!

The elderly should pay attention to the whole body physical examination

It is normal for the elderly to feel unwell, some diseases need to be actively cooperated, and some diseases are just manifestations of aging, so we must learn to treat them correctly. It is advisable to schedule a full body check-up for yourself once a year.

If the geriatric disease does not cause harm to other organs of the body, it does not need to be treated, and general medication observation and regular follow-up are sufficient; If other organs have been affected, it is recommended that friends go to a professional hospital for relevant examination and treatment to avoid aggravation of the disease.

These 4 "diseases" are actually not diseases, they may be people who are old, overtreated or injured!

Health Tips:

1. Degenerative changes in bones and joints: it is not a disease in itself;

2. Bone spurs: It is a natural aging phenomenon and a kind of self-protection of the human body;

3. Presbyopia: a normal manifestation of old age, which does not require excessive treatment;

4. Prostatic hypertrophy: It is an elderly disease, whether it needs to be treated or not, it depends on whether it affects the quality of daily life and living status.

Source: CCTV Life Circle