
Why can't the vigorous love go to the end?

author:Film Magazine
{"info":{"title":{"content":"为啥轰轰烈烈的爱情都走不到最后?","en":"Why can't the vigorous love go to the end?"},"description":{"content":"先来个小调查,亲们的周围有没有这样一种人,谈恋爱的时候,爱得死去活来,轰轰烈烈。然后冷不丁就分手了,而且干脆利落,一点都...","en":"Let's start with a small survey, is there such a person around you, when you fall in love, love is dead and vigorous. And then they broke up coldly, and it was neat, not at all..."}},"items":[]}