
How high is the ability to refine the old medicine of Dou Po Chinese Medicine? The level of Dan medicine can be improved and simplified, and Dou Sheng also values it

author:The Blood Feather Swordsman said anime
{"info":{"title":{"content":"斗破中药老的炼药才能有多高?丹药品级可提升可简化,斗圣也看重","en":"How high is the ability to refine the old medicine of Dou Po Chinese Medicine? The level of Dan medicine can be improved and simplified, and Dou Sheng also values it"},"description":{"content":"在斗破苍穹中,萧炎的老师药尘是一位非常厉害的炼药师,加玛帝国唯一的六品炼药师古河在他眼中也不过是个屁罢了。那么,药老的炼...","en":"In Breaking the Firmament, Xiao Yan's teacher Yao Chen was a very powerful alchemist, and Gu He, the only sixth-grade alchemist in the Gama Empire, was just a fart in his eyes. So, the refining of the old medicine..."}},"items":[]}