
Truth and falsehood should not be decided with words, but should be observed with eyes, thought with brains, and judged with conscience

author:Days at sea
{"info":{"title":{"content":"真和假不该嘴说了算,应该用眼睛观察,用脑子思考,用良知判断","en":"Truth and falsehood should not be decided with words, but should be observed with eyes, thought with brains, and judged with conscience"},"description":{"content":"太滑稽了,这个问题也能提出来?太可笑了,这个问题必须被提出来!这几天简中网正在为美国是否真实登月吵得不可开交,那么多人说...","en":"It's so funny, this question can also be raised? It's ridiculous, this question has to be asked! In the past few days, Jianzhongwang is arguing about whether the United States has actually landed on the moon, and so many people say..."}},"items":[]}