
Iraqi Museum Calls for Lost Treasures to "Go Home"

author:Xinhua pictures
{"info":{"title":{"content":"(图文互动)伊拉克博物馆呼唤流失瑰宝“回家”","en":"Iraqi Museum Calls for Lost Treasures to \"Go Home\""},"description":{"content":"走进位于首都巴格达的伊拉克博物馆,仿佛置身“文明的摇篮”,人们在这里可以观赏苏美尔、阿卡德、巴比伦、亚述等两河流域文明的...","en":"Walking into the Iraq Museum in the capital Baghdad, it is like being in the \"cradle of civilization\", where people can watch the Sumerian, Akkad, Babylonian, Assyrian and other civilizations of the two river basins."}},"items":[]}