
Beware of "overnight drinking"! Driving is risky!

author:Xiangyang traffic police

Everyone knows that drinking doesn't drive

But there's one situation that's easy to overlook

That's the "overnight drink"

Beware of "overnight drinking"! Driving is risky!

Wake up ≠ wake up

Many people with hangovers wake up the next day

The alcohol in the body is still not metabolized

There is still a risk of drunk driving or drunk driving

At about 8 o'clock on May 6, the police of the railway station police platform carried out traffic correction actions in the jurisdiction, Qiu was sleeping in the car at this time, and the police found that his vehicle was suspected of illegal parking and overdue inspection.

Beware of "overnight drinking"! Driving is risky!

In the course of the conversation, the police noticed that Qiu exuded a burst of alcohol, so he asked him whether there was a drunk driving behavior, Qiu said, "I drank two glasses of liquor last night, but I didn't drive after drinking, I have been sleeping in the car until dawn, and I drove my friend to Xiangyang East Station at 6 o'clock this morning." This shouldn't be drunk driving, right? ”

Beware of "overnight drinking"! Driving is risky!

In order to confirm whether Qiu had committed the illegal act of drunk driving, the police took him to the police platform for alcohol testing. After testing, Qiu's body alcohol content was 59mg/100ml, which had reached the standard for drunk driving. Qiu will face an administrative penalty of a fine of 2,000 yuan, 12 points on his driver's license, and a temporary detention for 6 months.

Beware of "overnight drinking"! Driving is risky!

Subsequently, the police guided Qiu to pay the fine and inspect the vehicle on the "traffic management 12123", and reminded him to find a friend with a driver's license to get the car back after completing the violation processing.

Shu Huang has something to say: whether driving after a hangover is drunk driving, the focus is not on how long you rest after drinking that night, but on the blood alcohol concentration test results in the body. Many drivers drink at night, and after a night's rest, they think that the alcohol in their bodies has been metabolized, but they are actually in a state of "people are awake, but the wine is not awake". To ensure safety, in general, do not drive a motor vehicle for 24 hours after drinking.