
From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

2024-05-18 00:28

Source: Xinhua News Agency

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Xinhuanet, Beijing, May 17 (Reporter Gao Chang) The National Bureau of Statistics released economic data for April 2024 on May 17. Liu Aihua, spokesman of the National Bureau of Statistics, said that in April, the mainland's green transformation was solidly promoted, and the output of new energy products such as new energy vehicles and charging piles increased significantly; Market demand continues to recover, and enterprise production accelerates; New consumption drivers continue to grow, and new consumption potentials such as cultural tourism consumption continue to be released.

New energy vehicles are more popular! High-quality production capacity drives the global low-carbon transition

With the emergence of the scale advantage of China's new energy vehicles and the demand for market expansion, more and more new energy product brands made in China are going abroad.

From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

British "Internet celebrity" twin brothers Ross Turner and Hugo Turner drove a Chinese brand new energy vehicle from the United Kingdom last autumn through more than 20 countries and regions in Eurasia, and recently arrived in Shanghai. (Data map)

According to the "Analysis of the National Passenger Car Market in April 2024" released by the National Passenger Car Association, from the retail sales data of overseas markets monitored by independent brand exports, A0 electric vehicles account for nearly 50% and are the absolute main force of independent exports.

According to the data, the sales volume of Chinese brand passenger cars in April was 1.272 million, a year-on-year increase of 27.3%, and the market share increased by 8.4 percentage points year-on-year to 63.5%.

At the same time as exporting products, Chinese brands also act as exporters for "reverse joint ventures". Leapmotor has reached a strategic cooperation with Stellantis Group, an international automotive giant, to participate in international cooperation.

Liu Aihua said that the digital economy and green and low-carbon development have given birth to more new growth points, and new drivers are rapidly forming and growing day by day, which has effectively enhanced the stamina and resilience of economic development.

The vans are busier! There are "big business" and "small packages"

From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

Trucks line up at Qinzhou Railway Container Center Station to transfer containers (taken on May 11, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Ailin

Liu Aihua said that in April, market demand continued to recover, enterprise production accelerated, and the manufacturing purchasing managers' index expanded for two consecutive months. Among them, the production and business activity expectation index is 55.2%, which continues to be in a relatively high prosperity range, which indicates that the confidence of manufacturing enterprises in the recent market development is generally stable.

According to the April data released by the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the prosperity index of China's logistics industry was 52.4%, up 0.9 percentage points from the previous month. China's road logistics freight index shows that market demand and enterprise production expansion remain stable and improving, and under the pull of new kinetic energy and a series of trade-in measures, the vitality of the road transport market has been enhanced and the demand is improving.

In addition, the survey report on the operation of logistics enterprises released by the Federation also shows that the business of logistics enterprises in the first quarter is running smoothly, and the cold chain logistics, cross-border international and urban distribution businesses have shown positive improvement. Driven by favorable policies, multimodal transport has shown an accelerated development trend, and the multimodal transport business of logistics enterprises serving the equipment manufacturing industry has reached 61%.

Trucks are not only busy with "big business", but also "small parcels". In just four months this year, the national express delivery business volume has reached 50 billion pieces. According to the monitoring data of the State Post Bureau, as of April 29, the volume of express delivery business in mainland China this year has reached 50 billion pieces, 32 days earlier than in 2023.

From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

On February 15, the staff of the postal delivery and logistics distribution center of Zhangye City, Gansu Province of China Post Group was sorting parcels. During the Spring Festival holiday, many workers were busy at work. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Cheng Lin)

While the express delivery into the village, the business volume in the central and western regions has accelerated, and the scale of the express delivery industry has continued to grow, the service network has been continuously expanded, and the regional development structure has become more balanced. In Xinjiang, many express delivery companies and e-commerce platforms have gradually piloted the implementation of free shipping plans, and more than 10 million goods have achieved free shipping in Xinjiang, and "same-day delivery" and "next-day delivery" are no longer far away. In Dandong, with the help of "express delivery into the village", the small blueberry has realized "in the tree in the morning and in the hands of consumers in the afternoon".

The flow of goods is smooth, and the logistics and transportation reach all directions. Liu Aihua said that in April, the business activity index of railway transportation, road transportation, postal and other industries was in a relatively prosperous range of more than 55.0%.

There are more cars on road trips! Cultural tourism consumption is very popular

From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

In the World Devil City Scenic Area in Wuerhe District, Karamay City, Xinjiang, riders gallop on a self-driving route (taken on May 1, drone photo). Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ding Lei

Spring is in full bloom, and there are more self-drive trips. Feel the style of the ancient capital, find food, and "unlock" the new city...... Nowadays, the popularity of cultural tourism consumption is booming, and netizens bluntly said that "there are 100 million people everywhere in the scenic spots now".

According to data from Ctrip, the overall number of domestic car rental self-driving orders during this year's "May Day" period increased by 30% year-on-year. The trend of more and more users choosing to travel by car is also reflected in the proportion of new customers who rent a car. During the May Day holiday, new customers accounted for 45% of Ctrip's domestic car rental orders.

Fang Zeqian, an industry analyst at Ctrip Research Institute, believes that from this year's Spring Festival, we can see that there are structural changes in holiday travel. Self-driving travel has the advantages of low cost, convenience and flexible combination, and is becoming more and more popular with consumers.

In Hainan, the opening of the tourist highway around the island has led to an increase in the popularity of self-driving tours. The Hainan Island Tourist Highway is 988 kilometers long, which not only brings prosperity to major scenic spots, but also makes many coastal niche attractions along the line become "Internet celebrities".

From these three kinds of cars, we can see the vitality of flowing China

In Yuncheng, Shanxi, the Yellow River No. 1 Tourist Highway has been built for 807 kilometers, connecting 27 A-level scenic spots and 15 4A-level scenic spots. Xinhua News Agency

People travel freely, and the tourism consumption market is hot. Liu Aihua said that the demand for cultural tourism consumption continues to be active, and the county's cultural tourism and holiday economy have steadily released the consumption potential. From January to April, the retail sales of transportation services, tourism consulting and leasing services, and cultural, sports and leisure services all maintained rapid growth.

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