
"Traveling in Africa with Celebrities" and "Extraordinary Boudoir Travel" was launched to write a new chapter in China-Africa cultural exchanges

author:Phi Phi King News
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“和明星一起游非洲”《非常闺旅行》启动 书写中非文化交流新篇章","en":"\"Traveling in Africa with Celebrities\" and \"Extraordinary Boudoir Travel\" was launched to write a new chapter in China-Africa cultural exchanges"},"description":{"content":"5月16日,坦桑尼亚驻华大使馆内,一场别开生面的文化交流活动拉开帷幕。“和明星一起游非洲”大型旅游文化活动暨旅行真人秀《...","en":"On May 16, in the Tanzanian Embassy in China, a unique cultural exchange activity kicked off. \"Traveling in Africa with Stars\" large-scale tourism and cultural activities and travel reality show \"..."}},"items":[]}