
What important messages will be conveyed when the heads of state of China and Russia meet again?

author:CCTV News
{"info":{"title":{"content":"时政新闻眼丨中俄元首再次会晤,传递哪些重要信息?","en":"What important messages will be conveyed when the heads of state of China and Russia meet again?"},"description":{"content":"“普京总统是我交往最密切的外国同事,是我最好的知心朋友。”5年前,习近平主席在访俄前夕接受记者采访时,作了这样的表达。今...","en":"\"President Putin is my closest foreign colleague and my best bosom friend.\" Five years ago, President Xi Jinping made such an expression in an interview with reporters on the eve of his visit to Russia. Now..."}},"items":[]}