
The in "Half-aged" hated each other with their husbands during their lifetimes, and their husbands ascended the throne 3 years after their deaths

author:Ms. Sho
{"info":{"title":{"content":"“半老徐娘”中的徐娘,生前与丈夫相看两厌,死后3年丈夫登基","en":"The in \"Half-aged\" hated each other with their husbands during their lifetimes, and their husbands ascended the throne 3 years after their deaths"},"description":{"content":"南北朝时期,梁元帝萧绎还是湘东王的时候,身边曾有一个名叫暨季江的随从,他长得清秀俊逸,胆子极大,常常发出感叹:“柏直狗虽...","en":"During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, when Emperor Xiao Yi of Liang Yuan was still the king of Xiangdong, there was an entourage named Ji Jijiang by his side, he was handsome and handsome, and he was very bold, and often sighed: \"Although the Baizhi dog is..."}},"items":[]}