
Zheneng Power (600023) sold a net of 48.2576 million yuan of main funds on May 17

author:Securities Star

According to Securities Star News, as of the close of trading on May 17, 2024, Zheneng Power (600023) closed at 6.1 yuan, down 1.61%, with a turnover rate of 0.5%, a volume of 670,800 contracts and a turnover of 412 million yuan.

In terms of capital flow data on May 17, the net outflow of main funds was 48.2576 million yuan, accounting for 11.72% of the total turnover, the net outflow of floating funds was 15.9747 million yuan, accounting for 3.88% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 64.2323 million yuan, accounting for 15.6% of the total turnover.

The list of capital flows in the past 5 days is shown in the following table:

Zheneng Power (600023) sold a net of 48.2576 million yuan of main funds on May 17

According to the financing information of Zheneng Power, in terms of financing, the financing purchase on the day was 35.9519 million yuan, the financing repayment was 19.9218 million yuan, and the financing net purchase was 16.0301 million yuan. In terms of securities lending, 27,400 shares were sold and 59,300 shares were repaid, with a balance of 143,500 shares and a balance of 875,300 yuan. The balance of margin financing and securities lending was 254 million yuan. See the following table for a list of margin trading data in the past 5 days:

Zheneng Power (600023) sold a net of 48.2576 million yuan of main funds on May 17

The main indicators and industry rankings of the stock are as follows:

Zheneng Power (600023) sold a net of 48.2576 million yuan of main funds on May 17

According to the first quarter report of Zheneng Power in 2024, the company's main revenue was 20.024 billion yuan, an increase of 13.45% year-on-year; the net profit attributable to the parent company was 1.815 billion yuan, an increase of 79.62% year-on-year; deducted non-net profit of 1.758 billion yuan, an increase of 110.76% year-on-year; The debt ratio was 44.25%, the investment income was 1.232 billion yuan, the financial expenses were 316 million yuan, and the gross profit margin was 9.34%. The main business of Zheneng Power (600023): thermal power, gas power, nuclear power, cogeneration, comprehensive energy and other businesses.

A total of 9 institutions have rated the stock in the last 90 days, 6 have given buy ratings and 3 have overweight ratings. The average institutional price target over the last 90 days is 7.4.

Explanation of the term capital flow: It refers to the reversal of the flow of funds through price changes. When the stock price is rising, the turnover generated by the active buy order is the force that drives the stock price up, which is defined as the inflow of funds, and the turnover generated by the active sell order when the stock price is in a falling state is the force that pushes the stock price down, and this part of the turnover is defined as the outflow of funds. The difference between the two on the day is the net force that is left to push the stock price up after the two forces offset on that day. The main capital flow, floating capital flow and retail capital flow are calculated by the transaction amount of each transaction order.

Note: The main funds are extra-large single transactions, the floating capital is large single transactions, and the retail investors are small and medium-sized single transactions

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