
"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World

author:Xi'an eTV
"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World
"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World
"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World

May 18th

Xi'an Education and Media Center

(Xi'an Educational Television)

The seventh issue of "The Captain of the e-School".

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"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World

Who are the guests

Parents know how important reading is to their children!

But how to cultivate children's reading habits has always been a puzzle for many parents!

By chance, she came into contact with the field of picture book lecturers. She found that picture books are a good way to cultivate children's reading habits. After systematic study, she became one of the few "certified" children's picture book lecturers in Xi'an.

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Let's take a look at who "she" is

Jin Mei is the secretary and principal of the 17th Primary School in Xi'an High-tech Zone. Affinity and openness are the impressions she gives people. He has been teaching for 35 years. As a principal who grew up as a Chinese teacher, she knows the importance of reading for children, and as a mother, she is well aware of the confusion that every family has about cultivating their children's interest in reading.

What is the hardest part of developing the habit of reading? She said that it must not be that she can't read, but that she can't persevere, she is unwilling to invest energy and time, and she doesn't find pleasure in books.

Beautiful illustrations, concise text, small picture books, big worlds. After delving into the field of picture book lecturers, Jin Mei felt that the impact of picture books on children is multifaceted. She believes that excellent picture books can not only correctly guide children's behavior and habits, but also make children feel cared for and safe in parent-child reading. Of course, excellent picture books have immeasurable positive effects on the development of children's language, emotion, cognition, aesthetics, imagination, and even thinking.

The school library of the 17th Primary School in Xi'an High-tech Zone, which is managed by Jin Mei, is open. On weekends, parents can bring their children to read books together, and the school will provide help for parent-child reading.

Opening school libraries and promoting picture book reading, what kind of exploration does Jinmei have in cultivating children's reading habits......

More stories about Principal Jinmei


"The Captain of the E School" Tomorrow's Appointment | Small picture book Big World

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