
Big S Studio issued a message thanking the prosecutor for clearing his innocence and not committing drug abuse

author:Sohu Entertainment
{"info":{"title":{"content":"大S工作室发文感谢检方还清白 并不存在滥用药物违法行为","en":"Big S Studio issued a message thanking the prosecutor for clearing his innocence and not committing drug abuse"},"description":{"content":"搜狐娱乐讯5月17日,大s工作室发文回应尿检结果:感谢检方还我们清白!事实证明并不存在滥用药物违法行为。稍早,据台媒报道...","en":"Sohu Entertainment News On May 17, Da S Studio issued a response to the urine test results: Thank you to the prosecutor for returning our innocence! It has been proven that there is no substance abuse offense. Earlier, according to Taiwanese media reports..."}},"items":[]}